yesterday afternoon while i was soundly asleep (due to the medicine that caused me to be very very drowsy), my hp rang.. private number, and i answered..
haaarrllooww *groan*
hi, may i speak to miss hong?
yes speaking..
hi i'm xxx calling from singtel teleshop, the stock for pink nokia 6111 has arrived, would you like to collect it today?
*now i'm wide awake* oh! yes, erm, but i'm sick, can't go down today..
how abt tmr?
tmr? erm, i'm not sure if i will be able to go down..
oh, we'll be reserving the phone for you for 2 days only..
huh~ i confirm will buy the phone wan leh, but i duno if i'll be well enough to go down and collect..
alrite, erm, we'll keep the phone until friday okie? we close at 3pm on friday.
erm, friday ar~ okie lo okie lo.. thanks..
ah hahahahahaha~ and today.. monkey came to town to meet me after his class.. i was shopping with jasc and vic for new year clothes la.. monkey bought the hp for me!!! for me for me for me!!!
so happy i can't describe how happy i am..
from panasonic vs2 to vs3 to motorola v3 to nokia 6111...
finally get this!! hahahaha.. they have butterfly background! hahaha
monkey paid abt $200.. $168 for phone after trade-in value of $100.. and simcard fee.. hahahah
monkey is great!
i'm a happy bee!~
rite.. shopping shopping shopping.. we're not done.. gonna shop with jasc again on fri.. i bought a top today.. finally my first off-shoulder top hahaha.. it's expensive.. but i love it!
oh oh oh!! earlier i mentioned i bought a adidas jacket.. hahaha i wanan show it show it!! hahahahaha i'm getting crazy over here..
back tracking.. on 5th Jan.. monkey brought me to "dian4 xiao3 er4" @ marina square for dinner.. hahah.. yes! piggin out time again!
yummy food! abit too salty la.. but overall still okie lo.. dragon city restaurant better.. wahahaha hahahahaha
rite rite.. can go try the food la.. =)
more back tracking.. on christmas eve..
cookout at monkey's fren's place!!
monkey tryign to look spastic at the supermarket.. hahaha.. then busy busy preparing xmas dinner.. still busy cooking.. finally the feast!!!
there were so much food we couldn't finish all!! wasted wasted.. but the food we prepared were all so yumilicious! hee..
gues what they did after dinner? haha.. mahjong lor.. what else?
we had the log cake when xmas arrives.. hahaha nice nice log cake! i forgot where it was from le la.. *forgetful bee*
yes yes!! my surprise from monkey! we had this agreement that we would not exchange xmas gift til we get to see snow on xmas.. but then monkey bought a piere cardin wallet for me!! with eeyore!! the eeyore is so cute can?? hahaha my second eeyore.. gonna collect many many many eeyores!!
i felt bad not getting anything for him.. =(
anyway.. interesting way to spend xmas eve and xmas.. hehz..
what shall we do next xmas huh hmmm huh?!?!?
Dabee's Twits!
Wednesday, January 25
Monday, January 16
a new year..
i finally decided to type something.. my camera is sitting in my drawer collecting dust..
i'm lagging behind some posts but i'm too lazy at the moment..
suddenly lost the drive to do alot of things..
resolutions.. hahaha..
new year resolution number one.
do not disturb monkey and let him study and do his thesis.
new year resolution number two.
find myself a decent job and start paying off debts (sch fees, hp/internet bills)
new year resolution number three.
save up so i can go bangkok/taiwan/new zealand
new year resolution number four.
be a better person. (this is so abstract haha)
new year resolution number five.
try to do some exercise to keep fit.
alrite.. i'll stop at five.. i dun even think i can accomplish all five.. hahaha.. at the very least number one and two confirm plus chop i must do it la..
speaking of saving up.. i jus bought a new adidas jacket recently.. $119.. win liaoz.. hahaha.. i jus can't resist it la.. aim adidas jacket for so long liaoz.. and i think i suddenlili have the craze over jackets.. perhaps due to the weather? maybe.. i jus like them la.. jus like how i like shoes and bags.. hahahah
this semester i'm lagging behind w readings and all, tho actually there isn't much to read.. stupid log module so many individual projects! what the hell.. but i have 2 s/u options left.. gonna make full use of them..
this is so incoherent but i'm starting to lose the motivation in my r/s.. things are gg fine actually, but somehow i start to get irritated easily and then cannot be bothered abt it anymore the next minute.. is this healthy? i use to be grouchy and ponder over it for a while. now when i'm irritated, i black face awhile, then the next moment i jus let it go and can't be bothered le.. it's not i give and take.. it's actually the can't-be-bothered kind of feeling.. i jus feel that if i continue being me, he's gonna blow up too, so i jus shut up and act like nothing happened. maybe i've changed. u ask if i'm happy. i can't ask for more in a bf le, but i'm not sure if i'm suitable for him and vice versa.. but for now, i wont' change anything..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 6:46 PM