i think i have friends who made me change the way i do things, who made me become a mean bitch becos of my beliefs..
if you promised something.. you fucking do it.. (remember in my early posts i mentioned i hate ppl who can't keep promises).. and if you don't.. or try not to.. i'm gonna hunt you down.. just like how i chased for money in my 10 years of being a treasurer..
well yeah i do feel bad but think abt it.. you promised remember? and you could have kept that promise earlier on without having to come up with cliche excuses.. you think it's fucking easy for me to pester issit? although i'm a mean bitch but it's such friends who made me this way.. hur~
if boxim, rite at the start dun say okay la! can or not? stop trying to act nice person when in fact you dun wan to do it.. if u really are nice, show it with actions la! this kind of logic oso must teach issit? walau.. ahkoo say until wanna volcano explode liaoz leh..
i duno how many years i can continue to make myself believe that such ppl are my friends.. year after year i keep telling myself it's no big deal you forgot about something, since you are my friends.. friends who spent some of my most memorable times with me.. i put in so much effort to do the things i did and those i'm going to do.. and you leh? you dun treat me as friend tell me la!
now i'm holding back even more.. i can't even assure myself that it's worth putting in the effort.. that you are still the close friend i use to have.. now i have to make myself believe those words of yours all over again..
ppl like you have taught me how to be a mean bitch and be tough and get going.. if you treat me nice, i do the same.. if you fucking just trying the make use of the you-think-so-disposable-and-reusable friend like me, go eat shite and die..
that said.. i'm still the friend who will bring you food (when i'm free to cook), accompany you (breakfast lunch dinner supper), listen to you (talk cok compain sing), buy you things, jio u out (mj ktv shoppin).. etc
it's jus that there's always a limit to everything.. 'believing you are my friend' included..
by the way.. this is really hilarious.. go check this out.. i had a good time laughing it off..
Dabee's Twits!
Thursday, April 27
Wednesday, April 26
Today... i went shopping with jasc!!!!!!Dragged my ass outta my place @ abt 12pm.. haha i almost couldn't make it cos i pig ma! sleep and sleep and sleep..
reached town at 1pm.. waited and waited and waited.. *smack jasc's fat ass* start shoppin' after she arrived 20mins later..
first stop to g2000! wanted to go for so bloody long le.. finally! hahaha.. we tried some pieces at taka's outlet.. decided to hop over to wisma cos the g2000 there bigger, more changing rooms.. hehz..
both of us really spent alot of time in there.. esp at the changing rooms.. not many ppl la.. nice time of the week to shop! haha dun feel stress at all wahahahaha..
jasc said i look like lawyer in these..haha like so old leh the color.. i wanted the skirt in black.. but the salesgirl ask me try the size first so she gave me this color.. turned out this color looks nicer la..
top - $59.90
skirt - $59.90
then i tried these on.. and we thought the outfit made me look like bankteller.. wahahaha!hmmm, the top not very 'wearer-friendly'.. cos there are so many buttons! hahaha i dun like too many buttons.. the colors and design not bad though..
top - $59.90
skirt - $59.90 (same design but diff color from previous pic)
ar.. the last pieces i tried.. i think very nice leh.. hahaha i like lai dun have blue formal blouse.. so i decided to get it.. i bought another grey skirt (no picture sorry).. the top and skirt i got cost $59.90 each.. hehz..
total amount spent in g2000 is approximately $100 after 20% discount... hahaha.. and the best part of it is i dun even need to pay a single cent!!! cos it's my belated bday present.. wahahaha *lol*
shiok ar!
okieokie.. enuff of formal wear..
we went to many many places to look see look see.. and we found that we fell in love with the same guess bag leh!! hahaha jasc's funkpunk bolwer fren oso eye the same design.. ha! forgot to take a pic of it.. not in their webby oso.. hurm.. it's $150.. hahaha so expensive..
i need to remind myself i gotta save for my trip (to i dunno where yet).. wahahah
anyway.. we went to wheelock to try papillios.. then to marks and spencer where we bought some cutesy/sexy underwear.. then to the big big zara which always dun have our sizes somehow..
we tried so many clothings..ha and this is me in the spacious changing room.. taking photos like nobody's business..
in the end we both left without buying anything.. i couldn't find my lacey black spag top ($19.90) which i saw in taka outlet.. i thought the green top ($34.90) was not as nice as the previous time i tried.. i love the shorts and blue skirt but it was too expensive for my shallow pocket.. (shorts/white skirt - $59.90, blue skirt - $89.90) i couldn't find an appropriate reason to grab that white tube dress ($99).. yada yada yada..
and so we left.. hehz..
hungry and tired from all those walking.. we went to makan at ramen ten.. at fareast..
i had mushroom ramen ($7.90)..which tastes mediocre.. i think in monkey's standard.. it will not be edible hahah..
jasc's char siew ramen ($7.90) looks prettier..and i'll like to assume it's tastier.. haha..
after dinner we continued shopin' at fareast.. i got myself a pair of shorts ($23.30) cos i really wasn't too happy about letting the pair at zara go.. haiz..
jasc got herself 2 tops!!! 2 tops leh!!! hahaha..
it's so fun to shop with her.. wahahaha.. talk cok try clothes makan food walk walk.. blablabla..
i'm a happy girl..
more shoppin' soon??? hahaha
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:08 PM
Saturday, April 22
i have a very very close cousin..
who's TWO DAYS older than me..
who's more than 10cm shorter than me..
who has much thicker hair and fairer skin and than me..
here she is..we used to spend lots of time together.. i even join her secondary school class gatherings sometimes..
we used to say since we grew up together, we'll get married at the same time and let our children grow up together as well..
well, this little dream of ours did not realise..
today i just attended her son's 1st birthday..little brandon is very adorable.. and so is her 2-mth-old sister, cheryl..
monkey went to the chalet with me. .and i sort of forced him to carry either brandon or cheryl before he can leave.. wahahah..
and since brandon was fast alseep.. he had no choice but to carry cheryl.. which he thought was more scary cos she's only 2-mth old..see baby cheryl seems to fit his arms so well.. hahahah.. while he was carrying her.. she smiled at him leh!! hahaha so cute..
anyway this is the first time monkey carries a baby.. *3 cheers for him*
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 1:01 AM
Thursday, April 20
i was up on cloud nine one moment..
now i'm down the deep deep valley..
haiz.. to think i started plannign the trip.. sadz..
anyhow.. back to arsenal vs vilarreal..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 2:49 AM
Monday, April 17
Yeah! Supper @ Bukit Timah on 6 april thursday w monkey jasc & smoked victor!
haha.. stupid monkey looked so tired la.. lack of sleep.. hahah the next morning still need to go school at 8am for meeting leh! poor thing..
vic owas dun wan to take picture properly.. haiz.. no wonder jasc wanna diaoz him.. muahahah.. anyway, he so funny.. distracted by me and jasc talking, and took the sala route! hahahaha..
hmmm, the prata very expensive leh.. cheese n mushroom prata $2.50! monkey said so profitable, he oso wanna sell prata..
oh ya! met kathy there too! haha..
lalala.. yummy supper.. a nice break from hectic-sian life.. thanks jasc & vic! ahaha..
more supper to come??? *yum yum*
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 1:12 PM
Sunday, April 16
I forgot which day was it.. i was pretty frustrated with i-also-duno-what-the-heck.. i was grumpy and mean.. i was naggy and very irritable..
but i still receive Prestige Chocolate from monkey!!
can't see properly? hahah come come come.. show u clearer photo..
almond nut milk choc and dark choc!! very expensive leh.. $0.99 per 10 bloody grams only.. monkey bought 200 grams.. hahaha.. he so poor le! i'm so spoilt leh!
and fat.. hur~
dunno why monkey owas wanna eat crystal jade.. i've been eating alot of chinese food recently.. haha.. anyhow.. dinner was yummy yum yum la!!
the char siew is very delicious! must try!! the roasted peanuts that come with the dish very nice too! haha.. fried wanton was okay.. not the best i've tried but still tasty..
after dinner must have dessert! dark chocolate ice cream!
yes! green spoon! haha.. *silly* the dark chocolate not very dark leh.. still very sweet lor..
notice monkey cut his hair? finally after a long long long time.. if he still dun wanan cut i will burn his hair off! so long and messy, then keep complaining so hot so irritating haha..
while he was having his hari cut and wash and head and shoulders massaged.. i went walk walk as usual la.. only this time i wandered out of fareast..
i bought face and eye masks from missha at fareast level 2 (1 level above level one lor, haha).. yl recommended the grape flavored face mask.. so decided to try try.. was abt to pay money when the salesgirl asked if i wanna try the eye mask.. she said good for reducing dark circles la.. so haha i buy lo.. haven't used it yet..
tried one face mask liaoz.. very refreshing leh! haha it's supposed to replenish the moisture and elasticity of face la.. not bad not bad.. will continue to try over a period of time see if it really is that effective.. hehz..
after walking around level one and found absolutely nothing that interests me.. i went to scotts hollywood secrets to trim eyebrow.. no appointment la, was lucky to get a slot haha.. haven't got my eyebrow trimmed by a professional for a long time.. it feels good to be rid of all the trouble of doing it myself wahahaha..
after scotts, i went to tangs.. browsed, scrutinized, and paid at the triumph section.. haha..
went downstairs, walked passed chanel counter.. the new lipstick as advertised on tv so popular la! alot of people around the counter testing out and buying..
i decided it was enough and walked towards the exit to return to fareast.. but then i stopped at the mac section, got myself this..
peach tone corrector.. wahaha.. i really have very bad dark circles, which makes me look so tired and OLD! so i dun mind trying out such products la.. to cover my dark circles until i get rid of them.. i think this one's better than the concealer i bought from shiseido.. not as dry and more coverage.. hahaha..
if you think i really spent alot within such a short time frame (abt 1 hr), monkey also la! haha.. he also bought expensive hair wax from supercuts! on top of his haircut.. haha..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 12:50 AM
Friday, April 14
Happy Birthday yl~!!!!!
Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks for the dinner @ Suntec Marche! haha..
Eh our face equally big la, next time take photo dun need hide ur face behind me! hahaha
It's loads of FUN meeting up after so long leh! haha.. on and off meet jasc, nel, wy.. sitting together at a round table yakking away feels so good! hahaha..
some of us graduating liaoz.. some continue to study.. some travelling.. kind of worrying that i haven't set out to find a decent job.. haiz.. but then again.. i wanna think properly ma.. and really rest liaoz then chiong working.. haha..
we had alot of nonsense.. taking photos here and there and everywhere haha.. dun have a photo of when we were in sec 4.. if not will use it to compare and contrast.. haha and have a good laugh out of it.. how tootz with out short short hair.. wahahahah
Whose birthday is next ar? meeting up again? so fun hahaha updating info of other ppl we noe.. gossiping abt them..
yl's bday cake from nydc.. oreo cheese cake.. super duper delicious! hahaha as demonstrated by jl.. it's "knife-licking good"!
By the way i've never seen someone eat a cake with a knife la.. hahaha.. until she does so.. hehz..
Anyhow, i was talking to monkey about having candles on birthday cake.. as the years go by, i dun think i would wan the candles to indicate my age.. just 1 big candle in the middle can le la? hahaha or every year 21 years old oso can.. muahahahahahaha..
i love the babes! hahaha..
Love yl!! Happy Happy Birthday!!
Have fun in US!!!
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:46 PM
Wednesday, April 12
haha this is so fun.. got it from jasc's..
kept laughing at the match i got.. try it here
i sent in this photoand got these matches..
julie christie at 75%
bunko kanazawa at 75% (who the hell is she?)
holly marie combs at 73%
johnny depp at 71% (wahahahahahah!!! johnny depp leh!!! whahahahahahahahaha)
elizabeth hurley at 71%
hahaha not bad huh? got johnny depp leh! hahaha i gg crazy liaoz..
anyhow.. i itchy hand la, went to try monkey's photo too..
i sent his very decent photo..
and i got these..
bunko kanazawa at 63% (i got her at 75% leh!)erica durance at 60%
nick carter at 59%
tony curtis at 54%macaulay culkin at 53%
and jay chou at 52% (hahahahahaha)
i dun think monkey will like this.. wahahahah..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:25 PM
Saturday, April 8
Time for some random pictures.. been wanting to post them but lazy la..
haha here's one more FAT and ugly monkey to the family.. the one on the extreme left.. with very long arms and fat belly..
he has a very bad temper too.. owas slap his belly when he gets angry.. he's very poor at logic and whenever he dun get the right logic, he bites me.. so bad!!!
haha the next picture.. taken quite awhile back le.. in my Internet Business Models class.. prof was talking about some C2C, B2B, B2C and C2B online businesses.. i was bored so i drew the bees la.. then wh continued with the drawing..
Wong wong wong! xiao mi feng! hahaha so cute hor? Bee 2 Bee business! haha.. so much about being attentive in class..
ohohoh! chocolates chocolates chocolates!! and my 'rubber beans'..
very yummy meiji black chocolate! the burellini choc oso very nice la.. cos monkey bought them ma.. now u see why i'm getting fatter!!!!
hmmm, perhaps it's beer belly? a while back i was getting all stressed up (for wat i can't remember la).. and when i'm stressed i can't get to sleep even though i was super duper tired.. so i drank beer lo..
i've got abundance beer at home.. dunno why my parents like to stock up.. now heineken finish liaoz stock up tiger beer.. in fact other than the 2 absolut i own (which are sitting in my study room), my bedroom cupboard has like 6 remy martins.. 2 XOs and i dun what-the-hell-is-the-name alcohols.. haha..
by the way the fruit tart was from my sis.. so sweet of her.. kiwi and strawberry leh! haha..
some days ago.. i caught monkey watching porn.. haha.. i know it's normal.. but in front of me.. using my comp????
nah, i'm kidding la.. just playing around with photoshop and boliaoz.. trying to make this picture useful la.. hehz hehz..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 7:54 PM
Tuesday, April 4
it's worrying when u lose the ability to articulate.. worse still, to comprehend..
i'm not sure if i'm on the sentimental mood.
but i sure do find something amiss.. i'm not comfortable with something i've been doing.. for someone i've been neglecting..
at times like this i just wanna lie in his arms and sleep.. full stop and not think about the unhappy stuff..
but i can't do it. not now.
anyhow, enuff abt unhappy stuff urgh.. i wasn't supposed to feel like that!!!!! v asked supper tmr.. yipeeee!
today's my last presentation in uni life! wahahah! no more sony, citibanlk, internSG.. wahahaha!
but i think i will still play with ppt during my free time hehz.. frens ar, wanna subcontract ppt to me i dun mind wan!! i love doing ppt!!! hahahaha
did a total of 3 ppts tis semester.. so fun! (tho lack of sleep).. it feels grrreat when profs and groupmates commended on the nice slides! hahahaha.. and i'm getting better at it each semester.. hahha..
graduating soon lo.. haven decide where to go for a short trip.. no money to go for BIG trip la..
think i really wanna go shopping in bangkok.. but so messy there la, the political situation..
then again i wanna go taiwan! which reminds me i need to ask nel abt some stuff..
anyone wanna go taiwan first 2 weeks of may?
i wonder how's dapig.. think i shall call tmr after my test..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 8:20 PM