jus to show how weird and irritating a person can get.. and this person is not even in the slightest degree my friend.. guess yh chris jy and boss can relate to this..
(on msn chat)
found job
ya (see i was trying to be curt so he can f-off)
wat job
research associate (still okie at this point in time)
raffles place (i dun wan to say company can can can? ha)
how much (so direct! if it's other ppl i dun mind lei, u dun chat with me on msn neither u r my fren u like tt so direct ask me how much?)
not much
about? (that's it, can't u tell i dun wan to tell you? u gongz ask more than one time some more!!!)
got vacany? (i think this person meant 'vacancy')
i think so but they looking for biz/stats grad only.. (can u please stop asking qns????)
at this point in time i can't tahan liaoz.. what ever that follows i ignored.. baaa~
Dabee's Twits!
Monday, July 24
Sunday, July 23
it's my cousin's 1 month old party!!
haha alright alright.. not really a party.. just a little celebration at my grandparent's place.. which is 2 levels above my flat!
here's the king of the day!!! qinghai!!
o adorable! haha.. hmm, actually, all babies are adorable rite..
so many ppl at my grandparent's place.. so noisy!!
he's a little like monkey.. he farts loudly!! hahaha
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 5:18 PM
Friday, July 21
females are such weird contradictory creatures..
this is what many members of the opposite sex think..
and i wonder.. you see, sometimes..
when i ignore him, what i meant was i want his attention..
when i call him stupidly crazy, i meant he's so humorous, and that's what i like abt him!
when i pout or sulk, i wished he'll jus give me a peck to make me smile..
when i walk away, i meant for him to pull me back.. and tell me he won't let me go..
when i kick or bite, it jus meant i want some cuddling..
haha how weird..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:24 PM
Saturday, July 15
weekend is here!! yipee!! it's really different when one's working mondays to fridays.. i so look forward to the weekend and yes! saturday is here! hahaha..
monkey brought me to ps for a quick bite @ carls junior be4 heading to cathay for our movie.. the burger's so huge leh!! we shared ONE meal.. hahaha.. i think it's quite nice! monkey liked the idea of puttting whole tray of serviets on each table.. hahaha..
over to watch my johnny depp! hhahahahaha..i had some cravings for the buttery corns and decided to get one to satisfy my craving.. this bloody small cup of corn costs $2.50! hmmm, abit the steep i feel.. but where else can i get to eat this other than at cinema huh?
well anyways, the flash from my camera while i was taking the picture above attracted uneccessary attention.. haha, nothing serious, jus one of the ushers came over to tell me photograph is not allowed.. hehz, of cos i noe la, jus tt it was boring be4 the movie started ma!
pirates of the carribean! good movie! i love it! i love johnny depp! i wanna marry him!! hahahahaha..
after the movie.. i think monkey kinda got possessed.. he was acting all weird and keeps mumbling to me i'm captain jack sparrow.. *diaoz*
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:26 PM
Friday, July 14
today monkey came to wait for me at my work place leh!! so poor thing he ends work at 5pm, and so had to wander around for another 1.5 hour or so before i end work.. i mentioned the strawberries at caltex house sun and moon shop looks so tasty.. he bought them for me!! hahah! yeah yeah strawberries!!
we couldn't decide where to makan for dinner and by the time we walked to suntec, i was almost half dead from hunger.. and since we had no particular cravings.. monkey suggested to makan at our default dinner place..crystal jade kitchen lo.. haha tis time we ordered something new.. portuguese bean curd! it doesn't look nice, but the taste not bad i think.. abit like curry but not hot.. aiyo i oso duno how to explain la.. jus go try it out alrite? hahaha.. it's a chef recommendation leh!
after dinner walk walk walk around.. and i ended up buying some chocs to makan..yeah yeah! royce nama chocolates! so think and rich and tasty.. melts so smoothly in my mouth! not as expensive as godiva.. it's a different kind of texture and taste lo..
the packaging is so troublesome to remove la.. layers after layers.. like trying to play hard to get so i'll appreciate the chocs more like tt wahahaha.. hmmm, conclusion? i still prefer godiva's truffles!!
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:48 PM
Saturday, July 8
finally after wanting to try the food at this place for so long... i no longer have to wait! haha.. hmmm, the sprouting of many hongkong cafes is common.. i wonder if it'll be like bubble tea.. just a fad?
anyway, i thought this xin wang hongkong cafe at kovan looks pretty nice.. the lighting compliments the layout of the cafe.. and the seats are comfortable!!
we went down for food after a mahjong session (what else during weekends? i'm starting to think my weekend is empty without mahjong!).. it was about 4am or sometime near? i can't remember but that's not important hehz..
the food!!! we ordered milo dinosaur, a mee-sua, baked pasta and red bean ice kachang.. oh my the ice kachang is HUGE! 4 of us couldn't even finish half of it.. haha.. i recommend the mee-sua, it's tasty, and the egg's big and juicy! *keke*
if you think that's the end of good food for the weekend, you're wrong! well yes, usually we'll try good food and/or new food once a week esp during the weekends, but this weekend's a little different..
the following afternoon, barely after a few hours of rest after the 'late' supper, or 'very early' breakfast, monkey's friends brought us to this dimsum place at chinatown area..
apparently this place is popular with the japanese.. their menu even include japanese translation! the place was very crowded when we went there.. and while we were eating, there was a long queue after us.. hmmm, i'd really love to recommend this place to you all but i was driven there.. and i duno what is the exact address!!! hmmm.. the next time i visit i'll at least remember the road name okie dokie!
hee.. here's the list of food we tried: xiao long baos, which are juicier than din tai fung's and tastier than crystal jade's.. hot & sour soup, in my opinion i thought it was okie, i prefer din tai fung's soup.. then there was gyoza, which was full of fillings, yummy! we also tried this pancake-look-a-like dish.. it was also filled with fillings similar to gyoza.. the zha2 jiang4 mian4 we tried was the best i've ever eaten so far.. the mee is very Q and the meat sauce was perfect to go with the mee~.. we had gui4 hua1 soup tang1 yuan2 for dessert.. the soup's real nice!!! i finished the whole bowl, including the little petals of flowers..
guess what we did after lunch? no prizes for the correct anwer..
ya, we went for mahjong again.. nope, i was the spectator and 'super-substitute' only.. not one of the major 'legs' of the table..
while monkey was happily winning money for his dry swimming, i hopped down to town for dinner with my 'internet business models' project groupmates weihao, elgin and marianne.. it was wh's treat! hee.. Happy Birthday to him! and hope he likes the present we got him.. hehz.. should be of good good use!
by the way, isn't it so nice we can still meet up for dinner after we graduate? i mean how many times do we actually meet our project groupmates to catch up and have fun, or in our case playing 'snake and ladders' was our favorite.. we always have a good laugh at one another over this simple game.. maybe it's just me, but i feel so happy i get to go out with them and still keep in contact.. haha.. and i found out that marianne is actually j's colleague! hehz.. what a small world..
back to the dinner.. he treated us to authentic japanese food at cuppage plaza.. the same restaurant jasc brought me to and introduced me to the beef stew.. i still remember there was one i was really depressed over k, and dapig treated me the full sashimi set at this restaurant.. haha..
the sashimi was good.. so this time i had the sashimi beto set.. oh ya, the menu's in jap!! i can't understand it for goodness sake, and there's no pictures! haha.. fortunately most of the staff there are chinese and they were able to translate it for us.. hee.. wh recommended this grilled sotong.. and it was DELICIOUS!!! looks so simple yet so tasty! hahah you have to try it to know.. it's really really worth the price.. hehz..
we also tried this dish which i totally forgot what name was it.. but hell yeah, it was yummilicious as well! haha..
everytime i visit this restaurant, i try different dishes and so far i have not been disappointed.. hee.. i miss the beef stew leh!! haha when i get my pay.. mayb will go there with monkey!!
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:50 PM
Wednesday, July 5
wHeN cLoWnS bEcOmE rOLyALty - sUriN bEAcH
it was the monsoon season in phuket during our trip there.. which explains the super duper lack of bright sunny beaches' photos.. the trip down to surin was for barely and hour, in which we were caught in the rain..
the bloddy burning weather in s'pore was much much much intolerable than phuket's! i thought i walked into an oven upon returning home!
nevertheless, i must say it's been a long time since i see such a beautiful shoreline..the waves were strong, there were a few surfers out doing their stunts, and a few roaming dogs.. and i spotted a monkey with orange surf shorts standing near the waters.. enjoying the breeze, breathing such cool fresh air..
being the scaredy bee afraid to wet my wings (not forgeting having a tad bit of phobia of the mysterious sea), i kept myself far far away from the waters.. according to monkey, the waves were so strong he fell while trying to go against them..
and while we enjoy the what may seem surreal to some.. do not forget anywhere beautiful can turn menacing.. anyway we figured if there is an earthquake, it'll be too late anyway to run inland.. the thing is, you'll have to run upslope (in surin's case).. and it's tough isn't it, to trun upslope?anyhow, it was a pretty place to laze around and just forget all worries.. and yes! feel like a royalty.. the people are really really friendly and their service was superb..
the food was fantastic, roadside stalls are definitely not as dirty as we'd thought they'd be.. and more delicious than we expected..
the facilities were WOW! and of course it is a brand new experience.. i'm pretty sure it won't be the last time i'm enjoying myself like this.. i mean, who the hell like me spends more than $800 for 3day2night trip to phuket?
but well, we're talking about a boutique resort.. and we're only in the 'cheapest' suite of the resort.. the next time perhaps we can try twin palms? or banyan tree? i dunno.. oh! perhaps the jamjuree suite at treetops, with big elephant statues a the gate, a private pool and a separate dining area?
clowns are clowns.. but we dream once in a while.. and living the dream is a nice feeling eh? hmmm.. i so not regret this trip.. now now now.. where shall i go for my next trip???
motivation to save up!
haha one last clip to share!!!
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 3:37 PM
Tuesday, July 4
wHeN cLoWnS bEcOmE rOyaLtY - EvoLvE sPa
what is a ptrip to phuket without a good massage in a luxurious spa??
is this too hot.. is this too cold.. madam, do you want soft, medium or hard massage?
today we have 1 male 'therapid' and 3 female 'therapid'......
haha the words of the ppl of the land of smiles still vivid to me.. this was really what they said to us!
perhaps due to the limited manpower and long hours for each treatment, it was rather difficult to book favorable slots for our intended spa treats.. other than the complementary 60min massage of our choice, monkey and i had another 90min 'mother earth' facial at evolve spa..
oh, did i mention the spa treats were on a 50% discounted promotion?? =)
we chose fusion balance massage for the 60min, which is a wonderful deep massage created for those with tight and overworked muscles. Both soft and firm movements will relax and soothe your whole body. This massage focuses on those areas that need extra attention. (single person at about $35, couples at $63)
for the facial, it was a facial that combines the essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus, ylang ylang & pine. Cleanse, followed by a scrub, and a pressure point foot massage, which enhances the upliftment of your inner beauty. Cocooned in the softening quality of pink clay, this masque also blends with the goddess energy of frankincense & plai. (single person $42, couples $73)
after each treatment, we were entitled to indulge in the facilities available in the spa suite.. that is, we get to enjoy the jacuzzi, steam bath and shower facilities, all in room just for us! they'll serve hot ginger tea after each treatment.. strong strong ginger tea!
i thought that andana in S'pore was already very good.. hahaha who knows! evolve is FANTASTIC!!! too bad there were no more slots to book, if not we'd have spent most of our time pampering ourselves!!!
we're royalties, remember? *winkz*
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 3:29 PM
Monday, July 3
wHeN cLowNs bEcOme rOyaLty - bEnjAmArt SuiTefrom touchdown till the moment we reached treetops arasia, we were still in awe.. it's a little hard for me to imagine the luxurious facilities and services i'll be experiencing the next 2 days..
sitting at the lounge waiting for the papers to be signed, procedures of checking into the boutique resort to be completed, i couldn't wait to see how our benjamart suite looked like!the views from me and monkey's siute was fabulous! well, fabulous enough for us that is.. afterall the benjamart suite was the lowest end of the available suites in treetops.. haha.. there's jamjuree suite and rachavadee pool suite where the views are much more magnificent..
like a little bumblebee, the first thing i did was to snap pictures all over the suite! haha checking out what are the facilities inside the suite, turning on and off the tap just to see the water flow.. rolling on the king sized bed.. switching on the tv and trying out the dvd player.. calling monkey's friends' suite.. etc..
there's a weighing scale (good good good can see how much weight i gained).. umbrellas in case of wet weather.. they even have a torchlight! haha.. of course, safe deposit box for valuables! i was amazed, but according to monkey, it was what a boutique resort should at least have! wow.. i see i see..
they even have bath gel and bath salt!!!!!!!! haha the bath gel make lots and lots of bubble leh! so fun! hahah..
there's also an outdoor jacuzzi which takes at least half hour to fill up.. hahaha! when we wanted to try the jacuzzi on the second nite, we realised it was faulty, the jet did not work.. so monkey dialled on the phone and within 5 mins, someone came down to fix it for us.. it was already near midnight when he called.. haha so efficient!
to me, one tv with dvd player and scv channels is already good enough.. out suite actually had 2 tv!!! one in the living room where it can be turned to face outside so we could watch it while soaking in the outdoor jacuzzi, and another in the bedroom where we could lie down comfortably and enjoy the world cup matches..
my oh my, a picture speaks a thousand words i remembered saying, but now i feel a video could tell much more!
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 3:22 PM
Sunday, July 2
wHeN cLoWns bEcOme rOyaLtY - tRaNspOrt eDitiOn
our trip to phuket treetops arasia was first suggested when monkey saw a promotion advertisement in the papers.. for the price of $498 (inclusive of air tickets, lodging, limousine to and from airport, buffet breakfast, 60 minute body massage of our choice and necessary taxes), we get to enjoy the luxurious facilities of this boutique resort.. in my opinion, it was a very worthwhile and value for money trip.. you'll know why soon enough.. haha..
hmmm.. at the point in time when we were still on Singapore land.. we were still holding the identity of clowns.. haha.. i was so looking forward to the touch down as a member of the royalty.. to be precise, the queen!!! haha.. happily, we checked in at terminal 2.. and went on ahead with shopping!!!we spent the most time at the cosmetics section.. walking around and thinking whether to get fragrance, or skin care products, cosmetics.. etc.. finally ended up buying some skin care stuff from lancome.. and got jasc her hypnose fregrance!!
ahah, it's been 10 years since i last board a plane.. and i had to run to the gate cos we spent too much time shopping!! almost missed out flight!! hahah..we were not lucky enough to get window seats.. and i was separated from monkey by the narrow walkway between the two aisles.. nevertheless i was still excited.. haha.. nothing much la.. the flight was quite boring.. and i'm glad i did not get air sick during the flight!!!
when we touched down at the phuket airport.. we took quite a long time to queue to get our pasports stamped.. we were told that there'd be staff from treetops to bring us to the resort..
when we went out of the airport, we were greeted with many minivans, shuttle buses.. for a moment, we thought the 'limousine' was perhaps at most a mercedes vito.. however to our surprise.. we were led by a treetops staff to a mercedes E-class!stunned.. were the people beside us.. they were holding expressions of awe.. haha i heard one of the travellers who was trying to squeeze into the shutlle bus exclaiming "phwa!"
and when all 4 of us were ready to hop on to the mercedes.. the staff stopped me and monkey.. he told us there is another mercedes ready for us.. a couple to a mercedes!! haha! oh my goodness! i was overwhelmed.. cos this was not what we expected!! definitely not to this extent! hahah.. *exhilarated*we were having fun taking pictures and relaxing on our way to treetops! on our way to the resort.. wi realised the only mercedes were the limousines from the resorts like treetops, banyan tree and twin palm.. other vehicles on the road actually gave way to every mercedes they see!!!
right.. enough of the limousine.. haha.. this was not the only luxury we enjoyed of course.. the resorts were on the steep hills and we wondered how were we to climb all the way up and then down to the main entrance? or to the swimming pool and spa and restaurant?no worries! cos there are 'buggys' ready to fetch us from our doorsteps any minute.. we could even call and state a time for the buggy to pick us up from our suites!!
there was once when it was raining.. and we were about to carry an umbrella along since the walk to the pick up pint was not sheltered.. alas! the buggy driver actually came to our doorstep with umbrellas ready to shelter us over to the pick up point!! very impressive eh?their buggy also bring us to surin beach and will pick us up from the beach at the time we required..
and they'll stop over jus to let monkey scratch his butt? haha (i'm kidding la)
seriously.. their service hor.. mow-dark-teng leh!! hahaha.. at this point in time.. i'm so happy to be relating my experiences wahahahaha..
they also had minibus scheduled to bring us tophuket town and patong beach.. so much for worrying how we were to get to these places before we embark on our getaway..
on sunday when we were at phuket town.. there were tour guides stationed at the pick up point of our minibus.. for $2.50(for 4 ppl), we get to tour phuket town for four full hours.. we toured phuket town with the help of this!erm, of cos with the guide driving la.. haha
the guide brought us to eat and shop.. haha.. and i bought myself some bags and tidbits to bring home!hahaha.. i got a picture of tuktuks.. but i did not have a chance to ride on one.. nvm.. next time perhaps!
the tuktuks look different from the previous time i went to thailand.. they kinda look safer to ride in! haha.. i'm not sure about those in other parts of thailand.. red tuktuks are the most popular here it seems.. perhaps cos it's striking enough a colour to attract ppl's attention? hehz..on the day of departure, we left with heavy hearts.. esp monkey, who did not want to return to his clown status..
unintentionally, we cut the queue of another group to be first in the queue for checking in.. ha, we did not notice there was a "please wait behind this line" notice on the floor and so we pushed our luggage right up just in front of the counter! for the rest of the time we just stood there and pretend we didn't know about it lor! haha..there really wasn't much going on in the phuket airport.. so boring!! wan to sleep oso no bed, wan to shop oso not many shops.. wan to eat oso no money left! haha
by the time we got on board the plane, i was feeling a little hungry and very tired! i could have felt better with the food but too bad the catering was horrible terrible incorrigible.. i almost puked not becos of my history of air-sickness..
back in Singapore, back to being clowns.. haha the first moment i snapped, monkey yawned.. hahahaha.. so adorable!
where's the limousine to pick us up? where's our buggy? *slaps*
wake up!
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:48 PM
wHeN cLoWns bEcoMe rOyaLty - fOodS eDitiOn
right when we reached the lounge of treetops arasia, we were greeted warmly with fresh flowers and a coconut each.. no worries about our luggage, they've been well taken care of by the concierge..i'm not a fan of coconut drink in the first place, so i did not finish my drink.. it kind of tasted bland to me anyway.. heh, and it's too troublesome in my opinion to scrape out the coconut 'meat'.. nevertheless, thumbs up for the pretty flower decoration on the coconut! heez..
the first night we went to makan at patong sefood restaurant.. when we entered, there were so many westerners there la!! then we were like oh no, that's it.. tis place must be so bloody expensive! and true enough, that meal cost a bomb..but then again, for the same price, we would never ever have the luxury of having such delicacy in Singapore! for approximately $40 per person, we had a fresh and huge lobster, and enormous tiger prawn each, along with other side dishes and drinks!
tom yum soup! how can we miss it when we're in thailand? haha.. the green curry is very yummy also! hehz..
i think the glass bottles of drinks looks adorable.. dun see them locally anymore! hahaha.. yumilicious dinner at patong.. looking forward to more and more good food.. at a cheaper price! ahahah..
the package for our trip included buffet breakfast at the resort and for bth mornings, i've unintentionally left my camera in the room! so erm, no photos.. but the food is great! there's variety and each day there are some alterations to the variety as well.. each person could request for 2 eggs, which ever way you like them to be done.. but 2 was too much for me haha so we each had 1 egg only.. i especially loved the cold cuts like smoked salmon and ham! scrambled egg and potatoes made an impression as well! hehz.. yummy yummy!
on the second day, we headed down to surin beach.. we had heneiken at $2.50 for each bottle and tom yum soup for 2ppl at $5..this is how the eating place looked like.. and this lady was really friendly! haha.. while we were walking along the beach, she warned us not to go too far out if we're going into the waters.. and when it was about to rain, she brought us into the shelter and opened a huge umbrella to shelter us from the rain..
people of the land of smiles are ever so friendly and ready to help.. even their dogs are so courteous.. you know in Singapre, it gets on my nerves when stray cats or dogs keep circling around the table or my legs, or make noises while i'm having my meal? like they are scared i do not know of their existence, asking for some food? but the dogs in phuket are really polite! haha.. they do not terrorize and if they sense you are afraid of them, they'll stay far away until you've finished your food, before strolling over to see if there are any leftovers.. either that or they'll sit quietly near your seat, waiting for you to leave.. interesting!
we liked the eating place, so much so that we went back for lunch on our last day..rememeber i said i'm not a fan of coconut drink? i take back my words.. i'm NOT not a fan of this coconut ar surin beach! hahahaha.. it's tasty! the cconut drink is sweet! and the 'meat' of coconut is so fresh! i did not have an easy time scraping the flesh of coconut fruit, but it was worth the effort!
the coconut, together with a tom yum soup and crab vermicelli, cost about $6.. the tom yum soup is clear one leh!! and it's so delicious!! spicy and sour shiok shiok shiok!! the tom yum soup here no fight ar! hahaha..
speaking of the crab vermicelli.. after we ordered, monkey was saying here in Singapore, when the menu says crab-something.. mostly it means using the crab stick as the major ingredient.. and so we wondered if it would be the same case in phuket.. haha
no no no!! real crabs! they fry the vermicelli with fresh crabs they caught from the sea! finger-linkin good! hahaha..
on sunday, we went to phuket town.. we drop by this place for some food.. my my so cheap! super duper value for money leh! hahamy camera did the food no justice.. they tasted so much better than what you see from the pictures! hahah.. we had this grouper(or was it? i forgot the type of fish la).. but i do know it cost more than $10 to pick one from Singapore's market.. and from normal zichar stall it'll cost more than $30.. but in at the restaurant we were at, we got to choose the fish (alive from the tank), and the method of preparation.. all at the price of about $15.. along with other dishes (beef, egg, vege, fried rice) and drinks.. about $10 per person.. cheap leh!
the dish above is the spiciest beef i've ever tried.. my goodness! the waiter was asking if we take hot stuff and monkey was like yeah yeah of course! and so he recommended this dish.. so bloody spicy!! it's like beppu ramen 8chilli! haha..
and we're supposed to eat the beef with the ice-cold vege you see above.. some of the vege i dun ven know what's their name.. haha you're supposed to take a bite off the vege, followed by a piece of beef.. the cucmber kinda made the beef not so spicy.. but the other vege actually enhanced the spiciness! they made the spicy taste linger in your tastebuds for a longer period of time! despite the spiciness, i ate quite a bit.. cos i thought it was so interesting, never try be4 wan ma..
in the end we couldn't finish all of the beef la.. too spicy, not cos we were too full.. haha..
and i had to pay the price of a 'spicy' stomach and 'spicy' asshole that very night.. hahahahaha..we also tried bird's nest at phuket town.. i duno, they all taste the same to me! even if u give me lousy quality bird's nest, i doubt i can tell the difference.. this cost about $8..
for dinner, we decided to stay in the resort's mom tri's boathouse restaurant.. alot of travellers suggested to not eat here cos of the steep pricing.. but due to the bad weather and our laziness, we went ahead anyway.. haha..well, you could say perhaps we felt rich enough to spend like royalty.. wahahahaha..ice coffe thai style! not a fan of coffee, so it tasted okie to me ba.. i wasn't very hungry.. so i only ordered a side dish.. there's complimentary basket of assorted bread.. haha luckily i did not order too much.. if not i would not be able to finish all the food! haha..
the breads were fresh, and very tasty.. hee..
here's the side dish.. prawns!! hahaha.. prawns prawns prawns! i think during my stay there, i had more than 25 prawns leh! haha. from brakfast right through dinner..monkey ordered some spaghetti.. hmmm.. shan't comment much.. i dun like it.. hehz.. total cost for this dinner was about $12per person.. i didn't had much in the first place.. hehz.. so i did not feel the food were so expensive..
the best part of the food hunt in phuket i feel.. were the roadside stalls! this one at patong we tried was selling glass noodles.. we stood there watching the whole cooking process.. it was not unhygenic at all! in fact it was perhaps more hygenic than some local stalls we have here leh! for $1.60, we get a huge packet of it.. and we wished we had bought more!! yummy!
i have a short clip on the preparation of the glass noodle.. haha..
another roadside stall we had was at surin beach, roasted chicken.. such tender chichken! no time for photos cos we were rushing for time.. four of us shared a chicken leg which cost about $2.50.. definitely worth! i can still remember how it tasted like leh!! hahahaha..
during our flight back.. the food catered on the plane sucks!!! hahaa.. not bcos i had too much good food during my stay in phuket.. hmmm, perhaps it was a sign we're turing back into clowns? no more living like royalty liaoz..my goodness.. what kind of food is this? plain rice with spinach, carrots and vege petti? huh hmmm huh?
there's also chicken lagsane.. but it also tasted bad.. disappointing! *shakes head*
i wanna stay in phuket!!!!! *cries*
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 2:15 PM