My commencement on 7 July!
Haha I know this is super late.. but I've been having connection problems at home.. and my office too open liaoz, i cannot do much updates la..
lazy to type.. so shall let u all see photos!

hahaha, no more lectures and tutorials and sectional classes anymore!!!
No more trying to squeeze my brains dry and not sleep a wink for more than 2 days to complete projects or assignments!!

My mama everytime take photos either dun look at the camera, or closes her eyes.. For ten thousand freaking photos, nine thousand nine hundred and nintey-nine photos are like the above.. haiz..
A big big group photo~ haha, next year my turn to go ucc see them in their academic gown!
oh, by the way, it's so difficult to wear, so heavy, so thick! and who was the one who ever started the motar board thingy? alamak!
but not bad la, at least the color is nice.. white for us! hahaha..
xiang bu xiang harry porter???
hehz.. of cos monkey was there with me.. and he bought me eeyore!!!!!!!!! so cute!
I graduate liaoz! hmmm.. work life has started.. i like my job.. almost everything about it.. except the pay.. hahahaha
but i'm gonna learn alot alot and see how far i can go.. hehz.. soon i shall be excel spss ppt expert! then i shall be tm1 html and yadayadayada expert! hahahaha..
crazy bee..