Dabee's Twits!

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    Wednesday, September 30

    Splendid September

    And so the month-long celebration has ended. *satisfied grinz*

    So much bingeing I squirmed at the thought of seeing next month’s credit bills. Nevertheless, lots of food, fun and laughter totally worth!

    I love the idea of birthday celebrations, minus the emphasis on age.

    1. It really is so much easier to get people I want to see, but haven’t got the chance to for whatever reasons, to drag all their asses out for some fun.

    2. FB thread “Hello ladies, let’s meet up for my birthday, for dinner and drinks” will get at least 70% turn up rate, versus a random spontaneous sms “Gals, movie then dinner next week?”, which is likely to be postponed till further notice, ‘cos A will be traveling, B will be immersed in work, C goes m-i-a, and maybe D will say ok, while E says can’t confirm till the day comes… yada yada yada.

    3. What better excuse than birthday to buy things for myself?!?! Shoes, bags, clothes, accessories, spa packages, etc.

    4. Plus I get all the birthday-month discount shite from local malls to online shops!

    5. Great opportunity for me to sing my lungs out for the endless ktv sessions within the same month! My record was 6 ktv sessions of at least 4hrs each with different groups of ppl, in 1 month!

    6. Major tantalizing makan treats to die for! Doesn’t matter who pays, as long as the foods’ great! Am not a gourmet, neither filthy rich, so pampering in the form of good food usually happens during birthdays, lovesss!

    7. Everyone is kind enough to make my decision the final one, no matter how ridiculous or unreasonable. Could be a problem when I’m indecisive, but still, there are besties to help out la!

    8. I win no matter what. Bicker and bicker all you want, suffix any statement with “oei, my birthday lei.” Hands down victory. At least 99% of the time.

    9. Not a very nice action to, but I try to not work as hard and as much during the birthday week, if possible. *tee hee hee*

    10. Receiving presents. Who don’t like receiving gifts? Ok, maybe there are people who don’t like gifts, but I’m not one of them. That said, it’s not a must to receive, more of like a bonus to top up the already-very-happy me.

    11. A time to realize who really really care, who touches the heart, who can be left out henceforth. A ‘lil subjective on this one here, not gonna elaborate. =P

    12. Wishes from people who care enough to send sms, call, write on my FB wall, write birthday cards, and any other means of communication, including asking me out. *muackz*

    13. Surprises! Could be any other day, but extra special on/ for the birthday. I’ve always loved surprises, no matter how small or lavish, very heart-warming, and they make me so happy! Oooh, so many surprise ideas running through my mind as I’m typing this, lol!

    That’s all for now, not because it’s number 13, but ‘cos tired le la! These are probably the more significant ones.. probably explains why I can finish blabbering in less than 5mins..

    Million thanks to many loved ones, who made this September such a wonderful time for you, for me, for us!


    Thursday, September 3

    Recipe for a good relationship

    Mr Porkchop shared this with me.. 果然是朋友!

    Recipe for good relationship:

    Take a pound of tenderness.
    Mix it together with a tablespoon of joy and a cup of laughter.
    Add a pinch of patience and a sprinkling of kindness.
    Simmer slowly, watching carefully so that it never comes to a boil.
    Strain it through a sieve of tolerance, and you’ll have a pudding as sweet and lasting as your love.