i know this is abit outdated but hey!! better late than never!
i celebrated my 21st birthday very very early on 27aug05 (saturday) at pasir ris ntuc chalet! reason being my birthday week(13 sep) is the school holiday week (chalet more expensive) plus i figured most of my friends will be bogged down by sch work or what nots then.. so yep.. haha..
this will be a very picture loaded entry.. haha cos i lazy to describe la.. a picture speaks a thousand words.. i guess there are more than 15k words worth!
some random shots.. courtesy of my photographer jascelyn wahahah..
some of my friends here.. from top left: valerie, weisheng, valerie(again), jiahui, victor, my sister! the one on extreme right.. my good good gossip kaki! gw!!!
some of the friends i've known for 10 years! qy, matt, gw, yl.. they are the ones who've seen all kinds of me.. from the tomboy/tootkia blablabla.. wahaha
my beloved jc classmates! hunks and babes of 01S86! kind of miss the times we watch dvds, bake cheese cake, play mahjong, watch soccer together.. haiz.. time flies.. really flies..
eh.. according to my jc classmates, these are sd and my 3 co-op boyfriends.. wahahah.. no comments from me.. except i think they are really nice people.. nice friends la.. ar! my bizad seniors!! they are the ones who help me alot alot when i was still a blur blur year one sotong in bizad leh!! seniors are very
useful resourceful.. from textbooks lobang to project groupmates.. *keke*woohoo~! da bizad guys.. haha.. kind of amazing.. some of the guys i used to 'bio' for fun are my good friends now leh! haha.. really amazing lor.. (yonghui will noe wat i toking abt)
what's ws trying to do?!?!?the bizad pretty pretty gals! yulun! too bad u go smu.. see the pretty gals are here!!! bizad!!! hahaha..
oh oh oh !!! happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.. happry birthday to meeee.... happy birthday to me!! my nice nice chocolate cake from emi cakes! this one is called pure addiction.. the other one (no photo) i got was superb choc.. heavenly tasty!!!
make a wish.. and blow out the candles..
my family!! i think my cousins very pretty and handsome.. my sis will have her turn la! soon soon~ haha
my primary school buddies...
sajc friends..
my sa and bizad junior!
bizad seniors!
bizad gang!
my dear!! how can dun take photo with my dear hor? shot 1... we ugly.. look weird leh..
nvm... take again.. shot 2.. change sides.. i look better le.. but dear dear look abit blur!!!
okieokie one more shot! how come dear still look weird? no camera face wan.. *humph* i give up! *pouts*
cutting cake time!!! my cousin yr is really good man!! haha such a great helper and i do appreciate it very very much!!!
well, i din get to try the first cake (pure addiction) but my friends say it's nice! the one i ate(superb choc) is very very nice too!! haha i keep helping emi cakes da3 guang3 gao4 leh..
haha you think present so easy can get wan ar??3 envelopes to choose from.. choose the empty one then too bad le!!!
guess did i choose wisely? i would like to think that i did.. if not for monkey's itchy hand help me choose.. haha kidding la.. i tot it's a pretty interesting way to kajiao me.. of cos i get my present in the end la.. haha they are nice ppl okie!!
i guess the biggest eater will be ws la.. dunno how many pieces of cakes he ate.. haha even my mum recognizes him as the one who is so mischevious and eat alot of cake one.. hahaha
how can i forget my ny babes? never! here's later on in the night.. when everybody go home le.. jasc waiying yongling nellie liling~
haha the highlight of the night in my very own opinion.. my present from monkey is revealed upon some of our friends' instigation.. he said he'd give it to me quiely if they nv suggest they wan to see it haha.. but well.. quoting from del, "this kind of thing must show ppl mar!!!" and so monkey (gladly) did..
i had absolutely no idea what he was gg to giv me.. tho i suspected it'll be some accessories.. he did mention it was small but the value was big.. given these clues some of u will be like chey.. sure know it's ring rite.. i have absolutely no idea!! cos monkey once told me he'll not buy ring and if he were to buy, he'll bring me along.. so there..
i was so so so touched when i open the box up to see my goldheart trilogy ring.. first reaction was wow! it's a ring! second thought was my goodness! diamond ring leh! damn expensive la!!! third thing that went through my mind my dear monkey is so so sweet!! i wan to cry le lah!!
yep.. and my mind was kind of blank the instance i see the ring.. it's all very natural.. the tears jus came welling up.. it means alot to me okie.. monkey not rich wor.. he still willing to spend on what he deemed jus a piece of thing for me.. FOR ME OKIE!! *weeps* where to find this kind of guy?? (okie i noe there are guys like him la but... but i still wan to say he's one of a kind).. my first $1500 0.51carat diamond ring!!!
what followed i can't really remember le.. went around talking to my friends.. they exclaiming at my ring.. telling me monkey is the one oredi.. ask me dun play play liao.. when getting married must invite them blablabla.. touched or not.. telling me monkey is really a sweet person.. can see he loves me alot.. thinks he suits me blablabla.. haha.. i can't exactly remember who told me wat but haha.. yeah..
now.. a closer look at the diamond ring.. haha.. anyway if wanna see the pictures more clearly.. jus click on them to enlarge!!
my presents from all of you!! some ang baos.. some vouchers (yeah i love shopping!).. some accessorries.. i'm a really happy happy girl person! thanks so much!!
wanna thank all who came.. really appreciate your coming to make my gathering 'happening'.. thanks all who give me presents! haha.. big thanks to (in no particular order) nellie who helped me send things to chalet first.. ben for offering to help drive me and buy ice.. jasc for being my personal assistant cum photographer.. my family for preparing food and logistics.. my babes for staying over to keep me company.. and my dear for booking chalet and what nots haha..
i enjoyed myself thoroughly.. hope you did too.. *smilez*
(urgh.. back to slogging)