i thought i finally met someone almost close to my ideal..
then i remembered monkey was THE ideal ONLY when he chased me..
and so i realised.. THE ideal exist only in my dreams..
Dabee's Twits!
Monday, February 27
Wednesday, February 22
yeah! everyone is doing it!
go go help me do my johari window! hee
click on dabee's johari
i only got 2 of jasc's 6.. baaaaaa~
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 10:28 PM
Tuesday, February 21
hansheng goes back to australia tonight..
and my mood's especially down after i left him and gw earlier on in the day..
now i owe him $3.75..
when wil i get to pay him back? hur~
i still regard him as a very nice brother.. the only brother i have..
and i wish to keep it this way..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:09 PM
Monday, February 20
i cut my hair!! finally! after 6months! haha..
rebonded my fringe, did a treatment at half price! (kimage got promotion until 28feb)..
but of cos i'm still many many bukeroos poorer!!!
i love the smell of my hair!! the shampoo so nice!! maybe i shall get some the next time i visit.. haha
lalala.. so slack so slack.. still 2 assignments 2 tests and many many projects behind. argh!!! &#^@^#%^(
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 9:23 PM
Friday, February 17
piece of shiat..
i think i'm becoming more and more san1 ba1..
all the gossiping and 'bimbo-ing' about nail polish, hair, my fat ass..
wherever did my intellectual twin disappear to???
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:31 PM
Wednesday, February 15
Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!
hmmm, who's the one who came up with this day to celebrate anyway? haha.. well, of cos i dun mind having such a so-called special day to spend with someone i love.. to have the excuse to spend money on presents and also be spoilt by others.. i'm so glad i'm not in Japan, where the females are obliged to buy gifts for the males.. *urk*
nothing special this v-day.. the difference from last year.. let's see..
i get to spend it with monkey (last year we were all busy with school work we did not go out).. at his home.. home-cooked food is dee-lee-sheeous! fish fish fish! my favorite! can save money too.. can study after dinner so monkey don't have to feel bad distorting his study schedule..
well, almost ended up alone at home this year cos initially gotta teach tuition.. then i realised my tuition kid's bday falls on v-day!! haha means no tuition on his bday lor.. hahahaha..
here's monkey opening his 2 presents (from me of cos).. one for 1yr6mths, one for v-day..monkey is so monkey.. playing with his new toy now.. haha.. so happy he likes the electric toothbrush.. i so unromantic hor? buy toothbrush.. hahahaha..
cos he owas look see look see, but never get his hands on one.. so i thought might as well buy one for him to play with.. haha.. he's lazy too, so this should improve his oral hygiene!!
anyhow, during my global marketing class.. kailee got a bouquet from his bf leh!! someone from bizad club delivered the bouquet to our class, asked for her and handed it over to her!!! she appeared quite paiseh la.. but guessed she must be so so so happy inside!! haha..
reminded me of a scene in one of the korean shows i watched long time ago, where the girl was in class, and the bf went into the class to give her flowers.. so romantic! i told monkey before if someone were to do that for me i'll be so touched!!
obviously monkey forgot what i said and sad to say, i'm graduating.. no more wishful thinking on my side le la..
despite that.. i still wanna say.. if someone were to do this for me.. i'll marry him!!! hahaha..
eh.. monkey is still very nice la.. just not romantic that's all.. *pengz*
he's very xi4 xin1 to get me what i want.. like
my PINK handphone..
and my PINK microsoft optical mouse!
i've bought a pair of PINK wedges recently..
i'm so PINK!! hahaha
hmmm, ang bao draw was last friday rite rite?
monkey and me were checking the results at 9pm (without realising the release of results was 1045pm).. yeah, so we corresponded the numbers with the results on 6feb.. so stupid! almost threw the whole stack of paper away leh! haha..
hmmm.. see, this is how much monkey bought!!
never win la.. if not now i can go tour earth many many rounds le.. haha, and monkey can quite school, buy car buy house.. hahah..
maybe.. the next time we buy toto/angbao draw.. must put my 'good friend' mahjong tile like that..
like that then got luck hor.. HUAT AR~~!!
okieokie enough crap.. next year next year try again!!neh neh neh..jus wan to put this photo to show this is the other tshirt i bought for monkey last year! he seldom wears it.. *sobz*
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 10:24 PM
Saturday, February 4
I'm feeling so excited as my fingers roam on the keyboard.. this is the first time i've experienced such 'high' life.. living like a queen for a day.. i'm starting to see how much i'll enjoy the life of a taitai.. muahahahaha
we were at jh's place few days ago and i was browsing through the latest Her World magazine.. came across some review-like feature article for spas in singapore.. looked at the photos, the promotions, location and blablabla.. didn't think much of it except that michelle chia and shawn (her bf) like to visit the Andana Spa..
so then last thursday we were in town with monkey's frens.. somehow the idea of visiting a spa came up, and monkey mentioned Andana.. so we trodded to paragon level 6 to check out the place.. looking at the exterior we were apprehensive abt the cost.. so we jus took the brochure and left..
later on before i knew it, monkey told me he had booked the spa for today, under uob's feburary package of $353 (before ++) per couple.. which includes
60min aromatheraphy facial
45min full body massage
30min foot reflexology
complementary usage of couple suite for 3 hrs
unlimited usage of common facilities (jacuzzi, hot/cold baths, sauna)
free flow food and beverages
and we can stay in the place the whole day.. anytime from 11am to 10pm..
cool isn't it? haha.. normally a facial costs $100, entrance package for one is $148.. so this is quite a good offer for 2 ppl..
we reached Andana before 2pm (after monkey's class).. our locker number is 31!! the key with pink chain is mine.. the red one belongs to monkey..
we went our 'separate ways'.. cos the ladies and men area and different side la.. hahaha.. felt so excited lor.. u noe, it's my first time to a spa, then i duno alot of things ma.. but at the same time i must act cool.. so scared that i'll fumble then the svs staff laugh at me.. hahaha..
turns out the staff are really polite and helpful la.. once i got to the locker area, they bring me to the locker, explained to me what i had to or would like to do..
my locker.. they even had slippers for me! but they are too big for me.. haha they even have somethign like a safe deposit box if you carry valuables with you.. haha..
anyhow, the lady who served me was really nice, asking me whether i want to have lunch first, or use facilities first.. she even taught me how to use the facilities.. like 15mins in jacuzzi, then cold dip for a few seconds, steam bath for 15 mins, cold dip again, then sauna, then repeat the routine if i want to.. haha..
anyway, i'm allowed to take pictures inside.. wow!
this is the dressing table.. my goodness, they have everything la!! make up remover, hair care products, hair dryer, cotton buds/pads, rubber bands, comb/hair brush. moisturizer... i can't remember.. the whole range of stuff u need all there la.. haha..
i changed into the erm, i dunno what is that.. robe-like thingy? yep.. took a snap of the common jacuzzi when there's no one inside.. haha
i tried the facilities after lunch, before our couple suite was ready.. the jacuzzi really comfortable.. haha shiok ar! starting i feel so shy, cos i alone ma.. then later a lady started talking to me.. she oso alone la.. then i feel much better.. once i get used to the place, i dun feel suaku liaoz.. hahah..
this is jus the shower area la.. haha shampoo, conditioner, body foam all ready in the dispensers!!!
after some food and drinks and reading magazines and movie watching and roaming abt.. finally we get to go to the couple suite!!
there's fruits and chocoloates, many magazines to read, private jacuzzi, massage beds, private toilet.. for this package we took up, it's not bad la.. but on ala carte, the suite is actually $120 for 3 hours.. which i thought is really too expensive.. haha.. no tv in the suite.. can get quite boring wan lor..
we had our facial in the suite.. very peaceful, just the 2 of us and the 2 beautician la.. haha the facial massage was so good i fell asleep.. and the beautician was so nice to explain each step before she start.. the cold gel mask was so refreshing!! haha..
after the facial we had our massage in another room.. my very first full body massage!! we had a choice between shiatsu or aromatherapy massage.. i chose camomile oil massage at medium pressure.. haha..
this one i almost fell asleep, especially when she's massaging my arms.. but too cold le la.. cos i only had like 1 towel covering my body? ya.. haha.. she asked if she could twist my neck i and agreed.. i never regret.. it was super duper shiok.. haha.. monkey didn't dare to try it..
monkey's 'massager' (do we call them that?) said monkey was very tensed up.. haha.. he's not used to ppl touching him all over.. muahahahaha.. *lol*
on the other hand.. i totally enjoyed the massage.. i thought the 45 minutes was too short! hahah..
after massage, the hot towel and ginger tea served was very very refreshing.. haha.. then we went to the lounge for dinner, while waiting for our foot reflexology..
i thought monkey looked abit like japanese mcp in his robe-like thingy wahahaha..
oh.. this is what i had for lunch.. herbal soup and fried rice.. along with fresh carrot juice and a mushroom with beancurd.. the food is not bad la.. nice to see and nice to eat.. haha..
yeah! foot reflexology time! whenever we went to the lounge to sit, a staff would approach and unfold a brown towel to cover our legs, serve us water and give us a menu in case we wanted to order food.. they'll also ask if the volume for the movie screening wass alright, if the temperature was confortable.. thumbs up for quality service! hehz..
the foot reflexology was good.. i love it! hmm, abit painful here and there, but after the whole thing i felt so good, and my calves were thinner than before the massage! hahaha.. monkey wasn't so happy with his.. cos he said very painful.. but i thought he should go for more.. now his toes are so much straighter and nicer looking!
i had mocha, tuna sandwich, yusheng, mushroom after the reflexology.. yeah! i'm a pig! they even serve macadamia nuts! and hagen daz ice cream!! hahaha.. but paiseh to order more la..so i had one serving of ice cream only.. hehz..
after dinner monkey went to indulge in the common facilities, while i took my time showering, drying my hair, trying out the hair care pdts and getting changed..
one last look at the lounge.. this is only part of the lounge.. there's another lounge showing soccer games, mainly for the gentlemen.. haha..
we left at abt 950pm.. 10 minutes before their closing.. and the bill totalled $370..
oh ya! one interesting thing.. i suppose the customers who go in couples are usually married? cos they keep referring to monkey as my husband.. the beautician even asked if we were on honeymoon.. haha i was like huh?!?! of cos not la! hahaha..
Andana.. spa for total relaxation.. the whole place is 22,000 sq ft.. their largest outlet so far.. the rest are in m'sia la.. hehz.. can click here to visit their website for more information.. hehz..
i enjoyed this experience very much.. if i feel i'm rich enough i'll indulge in being served like a queen again..
but i'm now more interested in checking out other spas in singapore.. must try new places ma.. then can compare.. hahaha and chose my favorite..
i really am starting to see how wonderful my life can be in the future.. muahahahha..
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 11:33 PM
Thursday, February 2
Happy Lunar New Year!! Gong xi gong xi!! Ang baos come come come~~ haha..
Hmmm, i think this year's much better.. at least i did not totally rot at home on the first day of new year..
On chu1 yi1, woke up only when my uncle came to my house and give me ang bao.. hahaha.. then went to monkey's place in the afternoon..
ma, i go off liaoz..
where u going ar?
orh, gg zw's place..
how come he never come and bring you ar? firstday of new year leh.. let u go alone ar?
er.. ya, i gg alone la, nvm wan ma..
he should come bai nian.. then bring u go his place bai nian..
got such thing wan meh? (scratch head)
my mama so funny haha.. initially i wanted to wear my blue/green top, then she say change.. so in the end i change to my pink esprit top lo..
my lunch.. fish fish fish! yummy! everytime i go monkey's place i have fish to eat leh! so nice! my ma says i have a 'cat' face.. keep eating fish.. muahahah..monkey so lokok hor.. haiz.. so nua at home.. i love my button earrings!! $2 only!! haha..
i stayed til pretty late.. we were hungry, wanted to call KFC delivery.. turned out they couldn't handle the orders.. ended up eating at kopitiam somewhere in hougang.. hahahah..
then on chu1 er4.. went to my father's eldest sister's place for lunch.. steamboat!! i couldn't stop attacking the batang fish and grouper.. hahaha really very nice leh! some of my aunts and uncles there too.. along with my cousins and nieces and nephews.. my my.. i feel old..
my mama and papa..
my sister and me.. before we left home..
hmmm, picture abit blurr haha.. nvm, i look better like that.. wahahaha..
after lunch, we all went to my fifth uncle's place.. standard wan la.. every second day of lunar new year oso go his place.. so so so many pple there!! (haha means i have extra ang baos..)
no la.. what i enjoyed more was meeting my cousins after such a long time.. and i get to see brandon!! my adorable nephew! ahaha..
oh yes! and the gambling!! the usual mahjong(i think there were 4 tables at max), si4 se4 pai2, da4 xiao3 and blackjack.. i only played mahjong la, not with chips.. with cash okie! hahaha.. won abit la($4), played 20cent-40cent only ma.. d's gf lost abt $20.. she played with my father and uncles, the higher level ppl.. haha i played with my cousins.. hehz..
my father asked why i nv ask monkey along.. haha guess wat was my response? i told him i dun wan to bring cos in case next year i change bf liaoz then my relatives will ask, eh? different bf liao ar? u noe, it's not like confirm he's the one so i won't bring.. hahahahaha..
and when other relatives asked, i replied asking which bf they talking abt.. number 1, 2, 3 or 4.. hahaha.. doreen told me not to be so proud, cos she's still single too! haha.. hmmm.. i quite enjoy some surprised looks when i asked which bf they wan to see.. hahaha..
i tot anson's response was quite interesting.. he said, "neh, the one who buys u ur diamond ring lor.. ", yh's mum (my 3rd aunt) said, "huh, so many ar? er.. the only one i met few months ago lor.."
i used to get rather annoyed if the same question like "where's ur bf? why nv bring? got bf or not? a few more years can get married liao hor?" pops up again and again.. but now i'll just take it and well, in a way deal with it in a more light hearted manner.. haha..
right right.. come tell me, did i become prettier or wat? haha.. or is it just erm, some superficial/customary/standard remarks relatives have to make each year? my mum got frequent, erm, make that very frequent comments that they can't recognize me cos i've bloomed very well.. eh, i dun remember such remarks in previous years..
yala yala.. felt happy of cos.. but i tend to think it's jus something they have to say to be nice.. haha.. and they said i've lost weight.. this i have to say.. no no NO! i have not lost weight.. illusion..
monkey said they say i am pretty now cos last time i really fugly.. where got this kind of bf huh hmmm huh?!?!?!
i told my mum what monkey said and my mum said he's so bad too har! (maybe my mum thinks so too, just that she doesn't want me to be upset)
haiz *shakes head* rite, i admit, i reallyt fugly last time can? urgh..
oh anyway.. this's my personal favourite photo of the day.. muahaha..amber and me.. yeah, i have tall cousins.. she's taller than me.. hahaha..
i concussed after i reached home.. so so so tired!
then on chu1 san1, we went to eldest cousin's place at bukit panjang..
my sis in her i-love-pink outfit.. while i decided i shall jus 'larb' on the op dress.. no need to think so much what top to go with what bottom.. hahah..
not as many ppl as yesterday le.. but still so fun.. especially enjoyed playing with my brandon! he's really really cute!!see, so many photos of brandon! i suggest his parents can start collecting a fee for each photo of their son taken! hahaha..
he's really so adorable leh! i was told by yh to distract him while she changed his diapers, then after she was done, i carried him, and he kissed me leh!! then he smiled and was so happy.. so cute!!!! *pinch*
i kept telling monkey i wanna carry brandon home.. haha then he said go give birth to one for myself lo.. i say okie and he says i'm crazy.. hahah..
well, same activities la.. gambling and photo-whoring.. my sister's the one taking photos.. cos i was entertaining my cute little nephew haha.. and she's not really good with it.. may of her photos are blur.. it doesn't happen when i'm the photographer.. so it's not my camera's fault alright!!! haha perhaps she should get the dimage anti-shake camera.. haha..
this is my niece py.. she's very sweet.. she used to stick to yh, but now that yh's pregnant, she cannot kajiao her liaoz.. so she change target and come kajiao me! haha.. comb my hair, tie my hair, bring me walk here and there and everywhere, play with my camera, handphone, open up my bag to see what's inside.. etc.. haha..
my father used to tell me everyone (well, almost, really almost) in the family (paternal side) knows how to paly mahjong.. and usually start from young..
when i told monkey i know mahjong since i was 10, he didn't believed.. i did not have a picture of me playing mahjong then.. but here's a kind of evidence la..
my cousins and nephews playing mahjong! how cool is that!?!?! they are about the same age but they the 2 boys facing the camera are nephews of the 2 not facing the camera.. haha.. nevermind abt that.. the point is they are playing mahjong!! haha..
and i have this young young cousin who is an expert(in many's opinion) in mahjong.. he even taught my gg-23-yr-old cousin how to play mahjong (you noe like how to maximise the opportunity of winning or playing defence to prevent others from winning)..
yeap, that's him.. he's wj.. and he's only primary 2!!!!!!!
super duper rockz.. haha.. he's really a shy boy.. i love his eye lashes!
some of us believed he's talented in mj cos the day when he was born, his mother was halfway through a mj session, on chinese new year! hahaha..
anyhow.. i played some mj too, lost count of how much i won, not cos i won too much, but cos we played with cash instead of chips.. haha.. then i lazy to count la.. i'm a hppy happy gal.. muahahaha..
phew! this entry is so long.. and image intensive.. i'm tired le la.. so shall end here.. more to come soon soon!!!
Posted by .:dAbEe:. at 1:07 AM