Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!
hmmm, who's the one who came up with this day to celebrate anyway? haha.. well, of cos i dun mind having such a so-called special day to spend with someone i love.. to have the excuse to spend money on presents and also be spoilt by others.. i'm so glad i'm not in Japan, where the females are obliged to buy gifts for the males.. *urk*
nothing special this v-day.. the difference from last year.. let's see..
i get to spend it with monkey (last year we were all busy with school work we did not go out).. at his home.. home-cooked food is dee-lee-sheeous! fish fish fish! my favorite! can save money too.. can study after dinner so monkey don't have to feel bad distorting his study schedule..
well, almost ended up alone at home this year cos initially gotta teach tuition.. then i realised my tuition kid's bday falls on v-day!! haha means no tuition on his bday lor.. hahahaha..
here's monkey opening his 2 presents (from me of cos).. one for 1yr6mths, one for v-day..monkey is so monkey.. playing with his new toy now.. haha.. so happy he likes the electric toothbrush.. i so unromantic hor? buy toothbrush.. hahahaha..
cos he owas look see look see, but never get his hands on one.. so i thought might as well buy one for him to play with.. haha.. he's lazy too, so this should improve his oral hygiene!!
anyhow, during my global marketing class.. kailee got a bouquet from his bf leh!! someone from bizad club delivered the bouquet to our class, asked for her and handed it over to her!!! she appeared quite paiseh la.. but guessed she must be so so so happy inside!! haha..
reminded me of a scene in one of the korean shows i watched long time ago, where the girl was in class, and the bf went into the class to give her flowers.. so romantic! i told monkey before if someone were to do that for me i'll be so touched!!
obviously monkey forgot what i said and sad to say, i'm graduating.. no more wishful thinking on my side le la..
despite that.. i still wanna say.. if someone were to do this for me.. i'll marry him!!! hahaha..
eh.. monkey is still very nice la.. just not romantic that's all.. *pengz*
he's very xi4 xin1 to get me what i want.. like
my PINK handphone..
and my PINK microsoft optical mouse!
i've bought a pair of PINK wedges recently..
i'm so PINK!! hahaha
hmmm, ang bao draw was last friday rite rite?
monkey and me were checking the results at 9pm (without realising the release of results was 1045pm).. yeah, so we corresponded the numbers with the results on 6feb.. so stupid! almost threw the whole stack of paper away leh! haha..
hmmm.. see, this is how much monkey bought!!
never win la.. if not now i can go tour earth many many rounds le.. haha, and monkey can quite school, buy car buy house.. hahah..
maybe.. the next time we buy toto/angbao draw.. must put my 'good friend' mahjong tile like that..
like that then got luck hor.. HUAT AR~~!!
okieokie enough crap.. next year next year try again!!neh neh neh..jus wan to put this photo to show this is the other tshirt i bought for monkey last year! he seldom wears it.. *sobz*