i headed to town with having burger king for dinner on my mind.. as suggested by monkey.. but when i reached town, he changed his mind and off we went to taka for dinner at pasta cafe, the one opposite mos burger in B2..
I dun really like the atmosphere, cos it felt like i was being watched every second.. dipping my calamari into the sauce, shelling my prawns.. probably cos there wasn't many people dining there, so there seemed to be too many waitresses standing around and watching people eat.
anyhow, i thought for the price, the food's not bad.. at least for the pasta i ordered..
i had sambal marinara pasta ($15.90) - seafood(prawns, mussels, baby lobster, sotong) with pasta stir fried wtih sambal sauce.monkey had the o-so-boring and i-jus-dun-like-it carbonara ($12.90).. i dun like cream sauce pasta, always make me feel so sick and tired of my food.. hahaha..
he ordered calamari ($6.90) too! it's nice! better than those at spageddies..
wahahah.. another good food dayeee~!