My first health screen in 22-going-23 years.. such a detailed screen I mean.. sponsored by my company (not bad la, Raffles medical lei!) Went for it early this morning with ml.. haha it was good to have her company, if not i sure blur like sotong.. she's really nice to remind me to start fasting the previous evening, and to drink lotsa water this morning.. hehz..
initially i thought i had to postpone my health screen due to my flu, but i called and they said as long as it's not high fever or i was not too weak to get off my bed, it's alright for me to go ahead. and so i did. =)
first was registration, checking name, i/c number and other particulars.. then the nurse passed me a small container --- for urine test. half a bottle will do, collect the mid-stream, not the starting and the end. hur~ those were the exact words i heard. well, if i had no *ahem* urge to relieve, i could carry the bottle until whenever i'm ready to pee! *keke*
second stop was x-ray. i had to sign a consent form stating i'm not pregnant, then change into the purple robe they provided.. they had lockers for me to keep my stuff, cool! for guys, they'll just ask u to take off your top la. haha.. x-ray was really fast. just tie up my hair, go into the room, stick my body to da machine and breathe-in HOLD~~~ by end of 3secs, it was done!
Next up was Electrocardiogram (ECG). I entered another room after my name was called, where the nurse asked if it was my first time.. she was really kind to explain that ECG is for analysing my heart activity. All i had to do was to lie down, breathe normally and don't move. Oh, she did inform me she was going to take off my robe for some metal 'clips' to be clipped onto my chest, along with big clips for my wrists and ankles. Another colleague told me the previous day when she went there, the nurse just pulled open her robe without warning! haha.. kinda hilarious to me! Anyway the whole process only took like 10mins? Hehz, for more information on what it's for, click here
Fourth test was the WORST in my very HUMBLE opinion. Blood test, which was bloody long (pun-intended). Took my height, weight, test eyesight, measured BMI and fat content yadayadayada.. This time it was a guy who kinda mumbles to himself taking my blood. My precious blood.
gimmur lefand.
give me your left hand.
(put my left arm on the cushion with blood stains)
*PIAK PIAK PIAK* (slaps on my arm)
cannofind yovein gimmur righand.
give me your right hand.
(put my right arm on cushion)
*PIAK PIAK PIAK PIAK PIAK PIAK* (ties the rubber band on my upper arm, ready to poke me with needles)
(i turned to looked at the painting on the wall)
after a LONG LONG while...
tsk, you not enough blood. vein too small. high risk of flat veins lei.
huh, what is flat veins?
means your veins will collapse easily
??? (oh well..)
the guy managed to collect only 1/3 of what is required from the vein on my right arm. all the while i could feel him adjusting the needle, pulling it out and pushing it in, turning left and right, adjusting to the optimum flow. PAIN la, can?
he gave up, and told me to press on my right arm with the piece of cotton for 3mins. Barely 30secs passed, i was told to give him my left arm, which he complained still cannot find the vein..
who'd have guessed i literally exercised my left arm (flexing it up&down continuously) for 5mins, while staring at my right arm getting the or-cheh cos i had no third hand to press on the previous wound.. finally he found the 'missing' vein and the whole arduous process start all over again. minus the not enough blood.
at the end of 20~25mins, i'm done with step 4 and was being teased by the guy for having 2 plasters while all the rest had 1 only. hur~
consultation was next, with the standard medical qns on history.. checked my eyes, ears, checked my breasts for lumps, checked abdomens, pap smear(optional).. this year we've to dig our own shit for stools test. ml said last year she had her doctor dug it for her.. it was quite troublesome, i had to aim 'properly' when i shit (not to bloop into the water) so i can use the ice-cream-stick-lookalike take a teeny-weeny bit and smear it on the piece of paper they gave us. seal it, and make a trip back to clinic the next morning to deposit.
5 major steps completed. Now i'm patiently waiting for medical review next week! Hope everything's gonna be fine!!
(stares at my or-cheh) *shakes head*
p/s: i may appear laughing, but i actually am very scared of taking blood test..