Did you know this? - One
anyone solve this riddle tell me! haha..
it's not difficult ba..
edge(h) oh(o) anne(n) yee(e) why(y) space( ) eye(i) ass(s) space( ) tee(t) edge(h) yee(e) space( ) oh(o) anne(n) el(l) why(y) space( ) ev(f) oh(o) oh(o) dee(d) space( ) tee(t) edge(h) a(a) tee(t) space( ) dee(d) oh(o) yee(e) ass(s) space( ) anne(n)oh(o) tee(t) space( )ass(s) pea(p) oh(o) eye(i) el(l) fullstop(.)
Answer: Honey is the only food that does not spoil