aLaN & iSabeLLe
Wedding bells are ringing again! This time for Alan & Isabelle~!
24 Mar 2007 @ ChevronsWhat are the chances of childhood friends (and just-next-door neighbours) becoming a couple and eventually tying the knot? Very little i'd say! And I thought it's a very sweet thing to happen!
Anyhow, I thought the bride's very pretty! Alan looked very 'star' .. haha like he was going to 开个人演唱会.. hehewell, before the dinner started, we took many many pictures of course! can't possibly post them all up here.. click here for all the photos la!
oh yeah, this's how my gong3 tao2 haircut is looking now.. no photoshop anywhere.. what u see is wat u get.. haha.. now my natural curls are coming back.. *pulls hair* *screams*admiring the wedding album.. I've seen the smaller version back in the office.. this one's a lil different.. very very nice lei! wonder where did they bought the package from.. haha.. the couple the gowns the photo effects all so pretty! ar! i wanna take these kinda pretty pretty photos too!
oh speaking of which, yesterday (25 Mar) monkey and i went over to suntec's convention hall 402 403 to support my niece baby cheryl for her walking contest.. turned out we realised it was a family carnival.. and there were so many bridal stalls set up.. they even had a wedding gowns show at the main stage..
before we met yh and her family.. those bridal stalls ppl kept approaching us asking us the standard qns.. alamak. for a moment i thought monkey was going to use the same tactic saying "oh, she's my 姐姐" haha.. well he didn't la, and i buay tahan til i told him to stay a distance from me until we find yh..
subsequently, i 'borrowed' brandon or cheryl from time to time to avoid being approached la.. haha.. but eventually i started getting pamphlets targeted at families (w children).. *lol*ah! sidetracked so much.. back to the wedding.. one big big grp photo before we start the dinner! the J.D. P (or used to be J.D. P) team! hahaha.. Congrats to my team leader Alan! 我真的没有讨厌你!
here's a glance at the dishes! haha..
this was the table i sat at.. seemed so crowded with all the glasses of drinks! 10 of us.. having 19 glasses! haha..
that's all i have here.. sho tired.. wanna sleep!