It really isn't that easy
Planning to get your own flat, your life.. etc really isn't that easy.
it's not just paying registration fees to ballot for new flats, see when construction completes, assume i will be free on the day to choose the unit, blablabla.
i wish i was more involved in the discussion, if there ever was one.
have you ever considered, this is not only your life we're talking about here. it's O-U-R-S.
it's US we are talking about.
have you really really considered our life when you're doing all these? have you ever considered what i think how i feel what i want, and then see how to work everything out? somehow i think you are not going in the right direction.. thinking all the wrong things, making all the wrong assumptions.
number one. DO NOT assume i'm willing to live with you.
i suggest you speak to those married friends of yours for more 'exposure' to the issue.. the more such things happen these days, the more i'm re-thinking my direction.