2008 Birthday Dinner redeemed
Finally, my 2008 Birthday dinner 'voucher' redeemed!
we had dinner at Madarin Oriental's Morton's Steakhouse.
after a not-so-typical superhero movie Watchmen at Marina GV in the afternoon.
GV review gave it 1.5 popcorns, I suppose they had a simple-minded person did the review. zw thought it was not that bad. I disliked it initially, thinking why aren't the superheros like superheros you know, like spiderman batman superman, good beats evil fullstop. Then later on that evening I started giving more thoughts, and realised it really isn't that bad a movie afterall, if you comprehend the story. Killing millions to save billions, sacrificing closest friends/ family for the greater better of the world, who's to say you have sinned? Interesting twist there, though it may not be many's cup of tea..
enough about the movie. How's dinner?
FANTASTIC! I love it! Minus the breakout of pimples following e 'heaty' meal. So happy we tried a new makan place after so long! Thank you Mr Teoh! hehe..So where are you bringing me for my birthday this year? =P