Dabee's Twits!

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    Tuesday, June 9

    Tarot reading

    how you feel about yourself now (The Devil)

    You are feeling that the temptation of a certain relationship, pastime or other form of pleasure is too hard to resist - its almost addictive. Question your motives, these sorts of situations aren’t generally good news. You may also have rather low self esteem at this time and feel that there’s not much hope for the future - don’t doubt your abilities, try to be more positive. Think carefully, you can still change direction.

    what you most want at this moment (Wheel Of Fortune)

    The cards suggest dabee, that what you most want at this time is a turning point in your life and positive change - well expect it now. Life will go up a gear or two and events will accelerate forward. Destiny is at play here - have you noticed a number of events that seem rather a coincidence? This is synchronicity, trust it and go with the flow.

    your fears (The World)

    You are afraid of taking action and lack confidence and will power, but this is a time to be positive and proactive, otherwise you will experience loss of momentum, delays and stagnation. Completion and success are only a step away, don’t give up, lose heart or change direction when you are so close to the finish line.

    what is going for you (Justice)

    There is a karmic power to the Justice card, reward for the good deeds you have done in the past. This is a period of good luck even if you don’t know why you are being so favoured. You will approach any issues concerning relationships or business affairs with calm, balanced logic and any claim will go in your favour.

    what is going against you (The Lovers)

    Are you suffering in silence in an unhappy relationship or feeling very lonely? Do you have the courage to make the decision you really know you should make? You have a great sense of duty but are you happy? A difficult decision has to be made - have courage and you will achieve emotional happiness.

    outcome (The Hierophant)

    Help is at hand. If you want wise counsel and moral guidance put your trust in someone you have a lot of respect for. Don’t allow others to influence you too much with what they want you to conform to, be true to yourself. When considering your options go with tried and tested traditional values, rather than the unconventional novel approach. For example marriage is more likely to be your desire than a living together situation.

    Your Astrological Court Card

    Queen of PentaclesAstrological Sign: VirgoElement: Earth
    Personality: analytical, perfectionist, scientifically minded, objective, factual, discriminating, sometimes coldMost suitable vocations: scientist, analyst, researcher, editor, computer operator, secretary, astrologerMost suitable lover or partner: Knight of Cups - Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

    Your Personality Court Card is a Match!!

    Mama Jasc’s birthday dinner w Pigumaoses + smoked V

    I just had to blog about this!!! That approx. 25cm long striped lizard which fell onto dapig’s head and then jumped onto the table, and then jumped onto kel’s right torso, and then crawled to his back, and then jumped to the next table! All within 30secs, in the middle of our dinner!

    Where was I? I jumped at least 1metre away from the lizard, hiding behind jasc & smoked v once I saw it on the table, trying to find its way out of the crab shells.

    Where did it come from? Don’t know, prolly from the tree branch (we were sitting outside with the tree as our ‘shelter’).

    Whatever, it left us pretty paranoid thereafter. Couple of us jumped at the slightest indication of maybe-another-lizard-has-fell-on-us.. when they were actually just leaves falling from the tree.

    What if…

    It fell onto dapig’s head and then down his neck into his back? eeeewwwwwww~

    It fell directly into our crab beehoon soup? Disgusting! Dapig and jasc will prolly get the splash of soup on them, then we will see the poor lizard struggling to get out of the soup, and then fall into e butter crab gravy adjacent, and then try to get out but oh too bad too slippery, then finally drown in butter! Hah! Who ask you any-o-how fall onto our table la! Only consolation – we had finished 3-quarters of the food then.

    It fell onto me instead?!?!?!?!?! Think I’ll be like a siao char bor jumping up and down trying to get it off me. If it falls too near my face I’ll prolly freak out and burst into tears (serious!)

    Well, an interesting incident anyhow.. thanks mama for the great great food! =)

    Next time maybe we should do something to work those calories off! Haha!

    Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your Europe trip!