Mama Jasc’s birthday dinner w Pigumaoses + smoked V
I just had to blog about this!!! That approx. 25cm long striped lizard which fell onto dapig’s head and then jumped onto the table, and then jumped onto kel’s right torso, and then crawled to his back, and then jumped to the next table! All within 30secs, in the middle of our dinner!
Where was I? I jumped at least 1metre away from the lizard, hiding behind jasc & smoked v once I saw it on the table, trying to find its way out of the crab shells.
Where did it come from? Don’t know, prolly from the tree branch (we were sitting outside with the tree as our ‘shelter’).
Whatever, it left us pretty paranoid thereafter. Couple of us jumped at the slightest indication of maybe-another-lizard-has-fell-on-us.. when they were actually just leaves falling from the tree.
It fell onto dapig’s head and then down his neck into his back? eeeewwwwwww~
It fell directly into our crab beehoon soup? Disgusting! Dapig and jasc will prolly get the splash of soup on them, then we will see the poor lizard struggling to get out of the soup, and then fall into e butter crab gravy adjacent, and then try to get out but oh too bad too slippery, then finally drown in butter! Hah! Who ask you any-o-how fall onto our table la! Only consolation – we had finished 3-quarters of the food then.
It fell onto me instead?!?!?!?!?! Think I’ll be like a siao char bor jumping up and down trying to get it off me. If it falls too near my face I’ll prolly freak out and burst into tears (serious!)
Well, an interesting incident anyhow.. thanks mama for the great great food! =)
Next time maybe we should do something to work those calories off! Haha!
Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your Europe trip!