*ROAR*(before we reach gv@bishan)
eh, i want to watch kingkong
orh, okie lo, i anything..
(reach bishan le)
ha, we gg to watch my brother leh
*blur* huh? ur brother?
I'm King (Wee)!!! KingKong's brother!
ha, ya hor! u are chimpanzee.. din noe ur brother is kingkong leh!
*did the kingkong pound chest action*
Monkey in the morningafternoon, still awake and energetic..Monkey at night.. after walking and dinner.. feeling sleepy..
haha i jus wan to show the photos cos i took them.. nehnehneh..
one more reason.. this top monkey is wearing, i bought it for him!! as a bday present la, other than the buffet dinner at MELT.. i bought him 2 tops.. this one from quiksilver.. another one from A/X, will show photo when he wears it! haha..