yeah! finally we get to go ktv together!!! haha..
it was pretty fun.. though it was a short 3-hr singing session.. the talking suaning teasing crapping phototaking and what notz so fun! haha
met dapig's ger for the first time.. think she's friendly la.. and she sing not bad leh! heh.. very fun person.. see she so nice, bought us chocolates!!!!!! and it's yummy!! i think i ate most of it.. muahahahaha after ktv, jasc vic kel me went to eat wanton mee.. haven been there for a long time.. more than a year i think.. the wanton mee still so nice hehz!
after dinner, we went to jasc place.. watched amazing race.. then ate supper (yeah so piggy).. then played mahjong!!! no no no, i din play.. i watch them play(as usual).. on off i played online games and continue singing along with the songs playing on jasc's laptop..
finally, went home in the morning to concuss.. haha my bioclock is like so so distorted.. i sleep at about 7-8am, then wake up in the late afternoon.. hahaha
oh ya! jasc said i look funny (or is it cute?) with helmet on.. hahaha i think i look quite kawaii.. hahaharite.. such a boring entry i tot.. tho i totally enjoyed myself.. tired la tired la.. hehz..
looking forward to another meet up soon!!!!