Happy belated 21stdinner at Jack's Place in town for our post 21st month celebration.. hahaha.. actually it's part of our good food hunt for his holidays la..
we had prawns and mango and soup of the day for starters..
monkey ordered the special steak - medium..it's heavenly.. haha simply delicious..
i had the steak and catfish set..the fish was nice. but the steak was mediocre after i tried monkey's tenderloin steak.. haiz.. hahaha
for dessert, we tried the apple pie..it was too huge even for the both of us to share it.. but it tasted great with the vanilla ice cream.. hehz.. i had hot tea after the meal..
i am a very happy bee after the dinner.. and he's a very bloated monkey.. muahahah
mambo with the uni gang later on in the night!!