i have a very funnei incident to tell..
yesterday nite jasc and vic came over for mahjong..
got one game, i kena bao1 by jasc cos i hit the bai2 ban3 to make her maximum 5 tais..
and the tiles i holding quite nice okie.. ping2 hu2 got 4 tais also ma..
and then, i got the san1 suo3 tile..anyone who noes basic mahjong will see that i zi4 mo1 rite????
but i sotongz.. cos i oredi very shocked and scared that i will hit the tile for jasc or she zi4 mo1.. so under the pressure and probably oso cos of the time of the day..
i BLOODY HELL HIT THE SAN1 SUO3 THAT I ZI4 MO1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then guess wat? jasc won with the san1 suo3 that i hit..
so i paid her $12.80 for this game alone..
it was a total loss of $22.40 ($12.80 i paid and $9.60 to collect if i declared victory)..
isn't this hilarious..
it was my first time kena bao1 and first time i zi4 mo1 then hit the tile..