Dabee's Twits!

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    Saturday, November 14

    Weekend in Taipei

    My annual wkend stay in Taipei is here again!

    If not for my presentation on coming Monday, which leaves me quite a bit of prep work to do now, like in the hotel in Taipei, I should be enjoying my short holiday ALOT more.. hurhur~

    Anyways.. the weather here is good. it was drizzling yesterday when I went to 士林夜市, but that did not drench my shopping/ makan mood! I meant to buy by 雞排 first and then shop while eating.. but ended up shopping for an hour before my stomach started calling out for food.. lol. I missed the 蜜酥雞排 so much! yumz!

    Today's temperature is lower than yesterday (17C), but no rain! fantastic day to be out shopping and eating! Met S at 12pm.. she's very kind to help me get all the snacks I need (orders from friends/ relatives you see) and brought it up to my hotel room! And then we went for 酸菜白肉鍋 at a makan place at the intersection of 忠孝東路 and 延吉街. My first time eating 豬肉凍and鴨血. Delicious lei! Thanks to S for the treat! =) Shopped abit at 忠孝復興 area.. and saw a rally going on on the main road! Another first-time experience for me. =)

    芒果冰at 永康街was nice too.. love having cold desserts during cold weather.. reminded me of having ice creams during my winter visit to BeiJing and Japan last year! S then went home.. while I continued to shop for abit.. before my bag became heavy with all the masks and cosmetics (they are for my friends and colleagues).. and I took a cab back to hotel to unload the shopping. From 永康街 to 昆明街 in 西門町 is about 175NT cab ride with quite heavy traffic. Not expensive at all I'd say!

    Now, I'm back at the hotel writing this, while eating my 阿宗麵線 and drinking my 珍珠奶茶. Following a 2-hr plus shopping at 西門町徒步區. Met a s'porean couple, who actually thought I was local, and asked me for directions! Funny thing is, I actually can show them the right way, am so proud of myself man.. I can't even be that confident in showing directions back in SG lor.. remembered there was 1 time in SG when I actually gave the wrong direction, it was like about a year back.. haha.

    This is like a short weekend getaway, with lots of shopping and eating.. which I like! Remind me I should be restarting my gym routine very very soon.. like next week! I don't think I want to remember how much I spend here.. Think Mr Teoh will not be happy about it =X

    Just a note on how crazy I am.. 5 pairs of footwear in less than 2 days.. actually.. 24hours to be exact. Which partly explains the headache I'm having now.. trying to strategize my luggage packing. hehe. OK, but before that.. finish dinner and a warm bath!

    Tuesday, October 6


    You know how each of us group our MSN contacts?

    For me, i have groups like 'Family' for my sister and cousins, 'NYGH' for my bitches, 'FOC com' & 'Rag Com' & 'NUS' for my uni contacts, etc..

    And recently, i keep finding myself subconsciously clicking into 'Family' group when i want to look for him.. hurhur~

    But i'm so NOT moving him there.. at least not yet.

    Wednesday, September 30

    Splendid September

    And so the month-long celebration has ended. *satisfied grinz*

    So much bingeing I squirmed at the thought of seeing next month’s credit bills. Nevertheless, lots of food, fun and laughter totally worth!

    I love the idea of birthday celebrations, minus the emphasis on age.

    1. It really is so much easier to get people I want to see, but haven’t got the chance to for whatever reasons, to drag all their asses out for some fun.

    2. FB thread “Hello ladies, let’s meet up for my birthday, for dinner and drinks” will get at least 70% turn up rate, versus a random spontaneous sms “Gals, movie then dinner next week?”, which is likely to be postponed till further notice, ‘cos A will be traveling, B will be immersed in work, C goes m-i-a, and maybe D will say ok, while E says can’t confirm till the day comes… yada yada yada.

    3. What better excuse than birthday to buy things for myself?!?! Shoes, bags, clothes, accessories, spa packages, etc.

    4. Plus I get all the birthday-month discount shite from local malls to online shops!

    5. Great opportunity for me to sing my lungs out for the endless ktv sessions within the same month! My record was 6 ktv sessions of at least 4hrs each with different groups of ppl, in 1 month!

    6. Major tantalizing makan treats to die for! Doesn’t matter who pays, as long as the foods’ great! Am not a gourmet, neither filthy rich, so pampering in the form of good food usually happens during birthdays, lovesss!

    7. Everyone is kind enough to make my decision the final one, no matter how ridiculous or unreasonable. Could be a problem when I’m indecisive, but still, there are besties to help out la!

    8. I win no matter what. Bicker and bicker all you want, suffix any statement with “oei, my birthday lei.” Hands down victory. At least 99% of the time.

    9. Not a very nice action to, but I try to not work as hard and as much during the birthday week, if possible. *tee hee hee*

    10. Receiving presents. Who don’t like receiving gifts? Ok, maybe there are people who don’t like gifts, but I’m not one of them. That said, it’s not a must to receive, more of like a bonus to top up the already-very-happy me.

    11. A time to realize who really really care, who touches the heart, who can be left out henceforth. A ‘lil subjective on this one here, not gonna elaborate. =P

    12. Wishes from people who care enough to send sms, call, write on my FB wall, write birthday cards, and any other means of communication, including asking me out. *muackz*

    13. Surprises! Could be any other day, but extra special on/ for the birthday. I’ve always loved surprises, no matter how small or lavish, very heart-warming, and they make me so happy! Oooh, so many surprise ideas running through my mind as I’m typing this, lol!

    That’s all for now, not because it’s number 13, but ‘cos tired le la! These are probably the more significant ones.. probably explains why I can finish blabbering in less than 5mins..

    Million thanks to many loved ones, who made this September such a wonderful time for you, for me, for us!


    Thursday, September 3

    Recipe for a good relationship

    Mr Porkchop shared this with me.. 果然是朋友!

    Recipe for good relationship:

    Take a pound of tenderness.
    Mix it together with a tablespoon of joy and a cup of laughter.
    Add a pinch of patience and a sprinkling of kindness.
    Simmer slowly, watching carefully so that it never comes to a boil.
    Strain it through a sieve of tolerance, and you’ll have a pudding as sweet and lasting as your love.

    Thursday, August 27




    What the fuck is wrong with meeting up with my friends/ colleagues during my birthday month? I could have easily lined the whole month with activities, actual birth date/ that wkend inclusive, which I did not!



    I thought we’ve talked through this before? Or should I just give up?

    Wednesday, August 26


    ... 只有適不適合

    再怎麽愛最終還是得放手 – 因爲真的不適合彼此







    Monday, August 10




    生日也一樣,不要求什麽了也就這樣過一天,多一些人一起吃飯啊、唱k啊反而更好。簡單一則sms也很溫馨,卡片都省了呢!好像是失去了- 想要讓這些日子是特別的- 的那一份心。

    我需要保持距離過一些’my time’。就算是呆在家裏無所事事整個周末也很開心。很自私吧?

    Sunday, July 5



    Wednesday, July 1

    First LV (frm Mr Teoh)

    The reason to be happy! hahaha.. never really thought I would be this excited to own it, but when I first laid eyes on Bloomsbury PM, I can so imagine myself carrying it everywhere I go.. I'm serious!

    well, since when I start having the desire to own these branded item(s), I don't know.. but as long as they are pretty and suits me, makes me feel good, then ok lo!

    random fact, i read in a webby that bloomsbury is trevi's sister, how nice! *winks at mama*

    thank you mr teoh, for my first LV bag, somehow it gets harder to keep track of the gift-t0-which-occassion record.. whether it's for bday/ 5th yr/ just to make me happy.. dun matter la hor?

    thank you mama, for helping us get it frm Paris!

    Tuesday, June 9

    Tarot reading

    how you feel about yourself now (The Devil)

    You are feeling that the temptation of a certain relationship, pastime or other form of pleasure is too hard to resist - its almost addictive. Question your motives, these sorts of situations aren’t generally good news. You may also have rather low self esteem at this time and feel that there’s not much hope for the future - don’t doubt your abilities, try to be more positive. Think carefully, you can still change direction.

    what you most want at this moment (Wheel Of Fortune)

    The cards suggest dabee, that what you most want at this time is a turning point in your life and positive change - well expect it now. Life will go up a gear or two and events will accelerate forward. Destiny is at play here - have you noticed a number of events that seem rather a coincidence? This is synchronicity, trust it and go with the flow.

    your fears (The World)

    You are afraid of taking action and lack confidence and will power, but this is a time to be positive and proactive, otherwise you will experience loss of momentum, delays and stagnation. Completion and success are only a step away, don’t give up, lose heart or change direction when you are so close to the finish line.

    what is going for you (Justice)

    There is a karmic power to the Justice card, reward for the good deeds you have done in the past. This is a period of good luck even if you don’t know why you are being so favoured. You will approach any issues concerning relationships or business affairs with calm, balanced logic and any claim will go in your favour.

    what is going against you (The Lovers)

    Are you suffering in silence in an unhappy relationship or feeling very lonely? Do you have the courage to make the decision you really know you should make? You have a great sense of duty but are you happy? A difficult decision has to be made - have courage and you will achieve emotional happiness.

    outcome (The Hierophant)

    Help is at hand. If you want wise counsel and moral guidance put your trust in someone you have a lot of respect for. Don’t allow others to influence you too much with what they want you to conform to, be true to yourself. When considering your options go with tried and tested traditional values, rather than the unconventional novel approach. For example marriage is more likely to be your desire than a living together situation.

    Your Astrological Court Card

    Queen of PentaclesAstrological Sign: VirgoElement: Earth
    Personality: analytical, perfectionist, scientifically minded, objective, factual, discriminating, sometimes coldMost suitable vocations: scientist, analyst, researcher, editor, computer operator, secretary, astrologerMost suitable lover or partner: Knight of Cups - Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

    Your Personality Court Card is a Match!!

    Mama Jasc’s birthday dinner w Pigumaoses + smoked V

    I just had to blog about this!!! That approx. 25cm long striped lizard which fell onto dapig’s head and then jumped onto the table, and then jumped onto kel’s right torso, and then crawled to his back, and then jumped to the next table! All within 30secs, in the middle of our dinner!

    Where was I? I jumped at least 1metre away from the lizard, hiding behind jasc & smoked v once I saw it on the table, trying to find its way out of the crab shells.

    Where did it come from? Don’t know, prolly from the tree branch (we were sitting outside with the tree as our ‘shelter’).

    Whatever, it left us pretty paranoid thereafter. Couple of us jumped at the slightest indication of maybe-another-lizard-has-fell-on-us.. when they were actually just leaves falling from the tree.

    What if…

    It fell onto dapig’s head and then down his neck into his back? eeeewwwwwww~

    It fell directly into our crab beehoon soup? Disgusting! Dapig and jasc will prolly get the splash of soup on them, then we will see the poor lizard struggling to get out of the soup, and then fall into e butter crab gravy adjacent, and then try to get out but oh too bad too slippery, then finally drown in butter! Hah! Who ask you any-o-how fall onto our table la! Only consolation – we had finished 3-quarters of the food then.

    It fell onto me instead?!?!?!?!?! Think I’ll be like a siao char bor jumping up and down trying to get it off me. If it falls too near my face I’ll prolly freak out and burst into tears (serious!)

    Well, an interesting incident anyhow.. thanks mama for the great great food! =)

    Next time maybe we should do something to work those calories off! Haha!

    Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your Europe trip!

    Monday, March 9







    Saturday, March 7

    2008 Birthday Dinner redeemed

    Finally, my 2008 Birthday dinner 'voucher' redeemed!

    we had dinner at Madarin Oriental's Morton's Steakhouse.

    after a not-so-typical superhero movie Watchmen at Marina GV in the afternoon.

    GV review gave it 1.5 popcorns, I suppose they had a simple-minded person did the review. zw thought it was not that bad. I disliked it initially, thinking why aren't the superheros like superheros you know, like spiderman batman superman, good beats evil fullstop. Then later on that evening I started giving more thoughts, and realised it really isn't that bad a movie afterall, if you comprehend the story. Killing millions to save billions, sacrificing closest friends/ family for the greater better of the world, who's to say you have sinned? Interesting twist there, though it may not be many's cup of tea..

    enough about the movie. How's dinner?

    FANTASTIC! I love it! Minus the breakout of pimples following e 'heaty' meal. So happy we tried a new makan place after so long! Thank you Mr Teoh! hehe..

    So where are you bringing me for my birthday this year? =P

    Monday, February 2

    Natasha Bedingfield - Soulmate

    Incompatible, it don't matter though
    'cause someone's bound to hear my cry

    Speak out if you do
    You're not easy to find
    Is it possible, Mr. Loveable
    Is already in my life?
    Right in front of me
    Or maybe you're in disguise

    Who doesn't long for someone to hold
    Who knows how to love you without being told
    Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
    If there's a soulmate for everyone

    Here we are again, circles never end
    How do I find the perfect fit
    There's enough for everyone
    But I'm still waiting in line

    Who doesn't long for someone to hold
    Who knows how to love you without being told
    Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
    If there's a soulmate for everyone

    Most relationships seem so transitory
    They're all good but not the permanent one

    Who doesn't long for someone to hold
    Who knows how to love you without being told
    Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
    If there's a soulmate for everyone

    Friday, January 23

    女人,你的名字是 愚蠢

    明知道他的心不屬於你, 不管是不想、不願、不能


    Monday, January 5





