Dabee's Twits!

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    Monday, June 13

    let me back track a little.. since i've got the photos available.. and yes.. it's another round of piggin out!!!

    7 June Tuesday

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    my calamari, rosti w cheese pork sausage, chunky mushroom soup and ice cream waffle!! (i had no choice but to choose banana since monkey is there *keke*) yummy yummy yum!! i had one helluva dinner on a tuesday!!

    all of these as a pleasant surprise after a night of fight between monkey and me.. according to monkey, coming to pick me up from office and treat me to marche dinner was an act to appease me (i'm that fierce huh?!?!).. but oh well, like i said, it was indeed a pleasant surprise.. despite the "where to find this kind of bf?" etc self-boasting remarks by monkey after the dinner.. *shakes head*

    there are guys more sweet lo.. for example in shoe sessions.. the entry on troubles.. go check it out..

    by the way i left out a pic that finally made me laughed my head off (yeah yeah gone is all the anger and unhappiness!)

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    monkey eating banana!! lol
    *rolls on floor*