Dabee's Twits!

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    Monday, August 28

    You know how sometimes it's like you share somethings with your friends and then they start giving you comments, or share their stories with you in return?

    it's all parts and puzzles of what friends are for isn't it? I mean it's only natural for them to speak on top of lending you their listening ears.

    The only problem is.. they may not exactly know what is it that you need to hear. For example, I may think that what you've done is not right and thus I should tell you what is the RIGHT thing to do.. despite the fact that we all know when it comes to matters of the heart, no one can be fully sure of what is right or wrong.

    Alternatively, I may think what you are thinking is not right, but I make minimal comments, choosing to listen most of the times, or just being by your side.

    The question then is, which is better? to just listen and not comment that you may be making a grave mistake? (not that it WILL be a mistake) OR, to do what everyone calls knocking-some-sense-into-your-good-friend?

    This has been inside of me for quite some time now.. I've been struggling between 'scolding the shite outta you', and 'let things be the way they are'.. until one day, when I realised I've somewhat been through a similar situation..

    and this is the day I realised what you need is not any more opposition, but the strength to stick to your ideals.

    It's funny isn't it? even when I've said I did put myself into your shoes, I may not have fully done so. Putting myself in your shoes mean basing on my character, what I'd have done if the same thing happends to me. I feel what is more important is actually to be thinking what YOU and only YOU could have done?

    and so when I see your point, everything comes so naturally and easily..

    or perhaps I should say, I believe I've somewhat been through it and during that time, I was so upset being told what I should do or if I did this or did not do that, then i'm the bad person and i shall be condemned and stuff like that.. so all the more i can understand..