Dabee's Twits!

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    Tuesday, March 16

    13 march 2004 saturday
    Virgo(August 23 - September 22)
    Your dilemma today is the struggle between the large and the small. Normally, you gravitate in the direction of the small. Virgos like to focus on details. But now the Moon in Sagittarius is encouraging you to express your largest needs and your most grandiose desires. Of course, you won't do this. You might hold in everything that you think is inappropriate, but if you do, there is an emotional price to pay. Try to find a way to gently express your desires, even if you have to intellectualize them to make yourself feel safer.

    14 march 2004 sunday
    Virgo(August 23 - September 22)
    It may be a challenge for you today as your feelings get mixed into you thoughts. Even if you try to stay on the logical side of your brain, you cannot. As you try to share what's on your mind, deep emotions will be brought to the surface and will color what you say and how others will react. Take all aspects of communication slowly. You have more time than you realize. Be careful and get it right from the start or you'll be learning from your mistakes soon enough.

    15 march 2004 monday
    Virgo(August 23 - September 22)
    Your planet, Mercury, is forming a tense aspect with Saturn-the-Tester. You are likely to feel resistance to what you say and this can make you rethink your current position on an important matter. But the resistance doesn't need to come from the outside. You could be your own harshest critic now. Too harsh. Although your ideas may be well thought out, you still could be hesitant to share them because you are afraid of having them rejected.

    i know i've said this before.. this is freaking me out.. things are just so accurate.. i mean these tarot horoscope stuff.. at the moment i feel as if something within me (perhaps the volcano) is erupting..