Dabee's Twits!

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    Thursday, May 13

    a man who lives by the day receiving income on the basis of the number of girls he get to sign up as porn stars or prostitutes..

    a woman who is a music teacher in a girls' college..

    she had a one night stand with him in an attempt to escape from her mundane routine.. before she get married to 'A'..

    ended up they fell in love with each other despite their differences..

    multiple barriers lay ahead..

    the man got involved with the police and underground guys after being betrayed by his boss..

    she cancelled her wedding, forced to quit teaching and left her home due to numerous harsh rumours..

    finally after overcoming all problems, they were united as one..

    she was ready to break the news of her pregnancy on xmas eve a year later, preparing a sumptuous meal awaiting for his return from work..

    he bought her favourite strawberry shortcake from her favourite confectionary before setting for home..

    but he never got home.. he did not get to hear the news of her pregnancy.. he never will see the arrival of their child..

    he was stabbed by 'A' on his way home while walking thru an underpass..

    "a toast to sweet revenge," was all that 'A' said followed by a cynical laughter before he left..

    the man staggered a few moments then fell to the ground..

    the last thing he did was to think of her and wish for her happiness..